I'm old and don't remember...

How can I get the world height of an object / bone above the surface terrain?

Note: Planning on using this to cause objects to fall during its death event. Only other option would be to use projectiles that use the objects model / textures. However, this is an even bigger can of worms as I'd need to use only one of the bones to achieve the effect. Not the entire model. (Don't recall how I did this 10 years ago either)

Isn't that specified in the animation? For the units, I at least do something like that in Blender.

@saver sorry but no. What I'm referring to is the entity in the game world, where a bones position will change due to motion and changes in terrain. Being able to get the height of any bone relative to the ground , enables the use of sliders. Which can be used to create custom death events that don't require a dedicated animation event.


Lol.. Dam, now I feel stupid as I should have remembered that GetPostion could be used this way. You know sometimes, we can't see the forest for the trees. That, and it probably didn't help much that last time I coded, I used to drink a fair bit when scripting. Oh coarse, now that I don't drink (health reasons), its no surprise thst I'm failing to recall some things.

@speed2 was able to use GetPosition(bone) today in an attempt to add sliders to a death event. While the sliders do work end end locations were unexpected for the information provided.

Do you know if slider (CreateSlider) moving a bone, also moves the child bones (i think it does) , and does the bone orientation matter at all?

Edit: Was able to confirm that the sliders do affect child bones. Which makes using a slider on a complex system of bones not particularly viable.