4DFAF Uploaded


Some minor bugs:


  • T2 Shield Drone no longer works.


  • T2 Abolisher Beam Cannon Gunship seems to not have defensive teleportation option or ability (?)
  • Predator Sniper Bot doesn't display any information in T2 Land Factory when hovering arrow over it.


  • T2 Termite Stealth Insectoid doesn't move legs when walking.
  • T4 Vulcanizer doesn't leave track marks. Also, if your order unit to move a second time, it takes about 15+ seconds for it to move. Also, what is the purpose of the "change rate of fire" toggle, other than to change the rate of fire?


  • T3 Harkon Assault Walker doesn't leave any footprints/track marks.
  • Why does the T3 Little John Ultra Heavy Assault Tank and the T3 Harkon have more health/hit points than the T4 Exp Fatboy? Aren't T4 Experimentals always have to have the highest hit points/health?

@blackrobe Will give it a look, but I also need to know if your using any other mods.

No mods mate. Sorry, I meant to mention that.


Just tested the shield drone and its fine.... maybe your running into one of the unit restrictions is has?

	Verification = function(self)

		--Check to see if a shield is already active.
		if self.GUnit and not self.GUnit.MyShield then
			local gUnitBP = self.GUnit:GetBlueprint()
			local gUnitCats = gUnitBP.Categories

			--Check to see if the gUnit has a Cloak, BuildRate or Economy, if so return false
			if gUnitBP.Intel.Cloak then
				if myDebug then WARN('Shield Drone Verification, reason: Cloak', gUnitBP.Intel.Cloak) end
				self.FailReason = 'UNIT CAN CLOAK'
				return false
			elseif gUnitBP.Defense.Shield.ShieldMaxHealth > 0 then
				if myDebug then WARN('Shield Drone Verification, reason: Shield in already in blue print', gUnitBP.Defense.Shield) end
				return false
			elseif gUnitBP.Enhancements.Shield then
				if myDebug then WARN('Shield Drone Verification, reason: Shield Enhancement', gUnitBP.Enhancements.Shield) end
				return false
			elseif gUnitBP.Economy.MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondEnergy then
				if myDebug then WARN('Shield Drone Verification, reason: MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondEnergy', gUnitBP.Economy.MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondEnergy) end
				return false				

			--Unit Categories the shield drone is not allowed to enhance
			local excludedCats = {
				--Primary unit retrictions, basicly anything that build, upgrades or makes ammo
				--Custom unit restrictions
				--Misc unit restrictions
			--Compare the gUnit BlueWARN with the excludedCats
			--Should no matches be found return false
			for k, v in excludedCats do
				if table.find(gUnitCats, v) then
					if myDebug then
						WARN('*** This Unit Type Not allowed due to exclusions: ', gUnitBP.General.UnitName)
						WARN('*** Reason: ', excludedCats[k] )
					self.FailReason = excludedCats[k]
					return false
			--Return true if no matches are found
			if myDebug then WARN('Verification passed!') end
			return true
			--Error Sound Effect
			self.FailReason = 'UNIT IS SHIELDED'
			if myDebug then WARN('Verification failed REASON: ', self.FailReason) end
			return false

Keep in mind that these restrictions are in place to keep the drop from enhancing units that shouldn't be enhanced for one reason or another.



T2 Abolisher Beam Cannon Gunship seems to not have defensive teleportation option or ability (?)
Works on my end

Predator Sniper Bot doesn't display any information in T2 Land Factory when hovering arrow over it.
Added this just recently so it will be in the next update


T2 Termite Stealth Insectoid doesn't move legs when walking.
Works on my end

T4 Vulcanizer doesn't leave track marks. Also, if your order unit to move a second time, it takes about 15+ seconds for it to move. Also, what is the purpose of the "change rate of fire" toggle, other than to change the rate of fire?
Works on my end, and changing the rate of fire also changes the accuracy. Fire slower for better accuracy. Maybe I should add details for this?


T3 Harkon Assault Walker doesn't leave any footprints/track marks.
It never had any

Why does the T3 Little John Ultra Heavy Assault Tank and the T3 Harkon have more health/hit points than the T4 Exp Fatboy? Aren't T4 Experimentals always have to have the highest hit points/health?
**Can adjust the hitpoints once I've received feedback from more people. Though also consider that the Fatboy is pretty weak if not supported.

Anyways, all that being said, most of the problems your encountering are likely the results from other mods. Either they're breaking FAF completely on their own, or they're attempting to overright something within 4DFAF. I wont know unless I've looked at some of these mods, thus having a mod list from you is critical to be able to advice you, or for me to add mod restricitions within 4DFAF's mod_info.lua. (Which would prohibit them from running with 4DFAF)



To reiterate, no mods in use with yours. I only test a mod on its own.

  • Regarding Sera T2 shield Drone: it does work on some units, when you first released it, it shielded every unit and building, including ACU; I see the logic in later versions only shields some; thus my confusion. Might be good to add shield health amount, as you can't tell how strong shield is.
  • Regarding Aoen T2 Abolisher Beam Cannon Gunship: I assumed it was a manual toggle teleport. I see it does automatically mini teleport when attacked. Very nice I might add.
  • Regarding Cybran T2 Termite Stealth Insectoid: Still moves motionless (I even deleted any old 4dc versions then installed v7) Very odd that it works for you. Are you using FAF default as I am? Just in case you are using FAF Beta, or FAF Dev as testing. Maybe someone else will have the same issue. Can't work out why it animates walking for you and not for me, despite the only mod being used for testing.
  • Regarding Cybran vulcanizer: Yep, def add some detail for that.

Yep, that's why people like yourself created T4 Assault units to compensate for Fatboy weak health.

Overall, nice release. A few tweaks here and there. Love to see more "transformer" units. Fantastic idea mate.

Wait till you see bouncing and reflected projectiles.... Then there is the singularity artillery.

@resin_smoker said in 4DFAF Uploaded:

Wait till you see bouncing and reflected projectiles.... Then there is the singularity artillery.

Now we're talkin!

Updated the Vulcanizers description test to show: "The word Overkill, accurately describes this cannons level of overwhelming firepower. Fielding a quad barreled artillery cannon with selectable rate of fire (vs accuracy) and a secondary turret for close encounters."

Will look to see if i can add something similar for the toggle mouseover as well.


Version 8 released!

-Rescaled a few units to better match with the existing scale of the games original units.
-Did a fair bit of rebalancing but is by no means prefect.
-Reworked the help text for many units to better describe what they do and how to better use them.
-Pushed all the custom UIs to show at the end of the UI build bar, so not to crowd out the preexisting units.
-Added a few more Cybran and Aeon units.

Only 3 or more until left from the 4DC core units to add. These are units that I've asked Domino to work with as they've been tied into DMS code such that It would take me weeks to figure out how they work.



(Evil scientist laugh) Presenting shield piercing weapons...

Snippet from hook'd shield.lua

	local oldShield = Shield
	Shield = Class(oldShield) {
		OnCollisionCheck = function(self,other)
			if self and not self:BeenDestroyed() then       
				-- Allows Shield Piercing Projectiles to ignore shields, return true to process this collision, false to ignore it.       
				if EntityCategoryContains( categories.PROJECTILE, other ) and EntityCategoryContains( categories.SHIELDPIERCING, other ) then         
					return false
					return oldShield.OnCollisionCheck(self,other)



Got missile redirection working for the URA0206 Vampire stealth fighter, will be included in the next update!

In /hook'd unit.lua

	## --Unit intel 

	GetEnabledIntels = function(self)
		local Intels = {}
		if self.IntelDisables and table.getsize(self.IntelDisables) > 0 then 
			for id, value in self.IntelDisables do				
				if not Intels[id] then
					Intels[id] = false
				local intelenabled = self:IsIntelEnabled(id)				
				if intelenabled then
					Intels[id] = true
					Intels[id] = nil
		return Intels

Superclass called by the stealth unit...

--	File		  : /mods/4DFAF/lua/4D_CloakRedirect/4D_CloakRedirect.lua
--	Author		  : Resin_Smoker
--	Summary 	  : 4D_SDR: Allows a structure so enhanced to resist enemy fire.
--	 Special Thanks: Mithy for his redirect script

--	Copyright © 2024 4DFAF,  All rights reserved.
--	The following is required in the units script for Struture Damage Resistance (SDR)
--	This calls into action the SDR scripts for AStructureUnit
--	local CAirUnit = import('/lua/cybranunits.lua').CAirUnit
--	CAirUnit = import('/mods/4DC_V0.81/lua/CustomAbilities/4D_CloakRedirect/4D_CloakRedirect.lua').CloakRedirect( CAirUnit )

### Start of CloakRedirect(SuperClass) ###
function CloakRedirect(SuperClass)
	return Class(SuperClass) {

	OnCollisionCheck = function(self, other, firingWeapon)
		-- Cloaking allows 50% chance to avoid anti-air missiles
		if self and not ( self:IsDead() or self:BeenDestroyed() ) then
			local EffectUnit = false
			local EffectsIntels = { 'CloakStealth', 'Cloak', 'CloakField', 'RadarStealth', 'RadarStealthField' }
			local EnabledIntels = self:GetEnabledIntels()
			for IntelType, Param in EnabledIntels do
				if table.find(EffectsIntels, IntelType) then
					EffectUnit = true

			--check if unit is in field.
			if not EffectUnit then
				for id, IntelType in EffectsIntels do
					if self:IsInField(IntelType) then
						EffectUnit = true

			if EffectUnit then
				if ( other:GetBlueprint().Physics.TrackTarget or EntityCategoryContains(categories.MISSILE, other) ) and Random(1, 2) == 1 then
					if other:GetLauncher() then
						-- Projectile returns to launcher
						other.DamageData.CollideFriendly = true
						other.DamageData.DamageFriendly = true
						other.DamageData.DamageSelf = true
						other.Redirector = self
						-- *** Mithy's Function *** Hook projectile's DoDamage to set (living) redirector to instigator on impact
						local prevDoDamage = other.DoDamage
						other.DoDamage = function(self, instigator, damageData, targetEntity)
							--This should always allow the projectile to damage its launcher
							instigator = self.Redirector or self
							prevDoDamage(self, instigator, damageData, targetEntity)
						-- Projectile passes thru and losses tracking
					return false
					-- Projectile impacts normally
					return true
			return SuperClass.OnCollisionCheck(self, other, firingWeapon)
### End of CloakRedirect(SuperClass) ###

Keep in mind that the above script only applies to the unit calling the SuperClass. Hence all of the stock units won't have this ability unless modified to use the SuperClass.



Did some work on the Hellhound shadow-step to improve its reliability and add in a few new FX: https://youtu.be/q6NtQ7HN-es

Version 9 uploaded.

"4D-FAF, a 4DC-DMS adaptation for FAF"

So apart from feedback, what from DMS would folks like to see incorporated?

@blackrobe said in 4DFAF Uploaded:

  • Regarding Sera T2 shield Drone: it does work on some units, when you first released it, it shielded every unit and building, including ACU; I see the logic in later versions only shields some; thus my confusion. Might be good to add shield health amount, as you can't tell how strong shield is.

I took a look at how or rather where the information of where the shields health info is coming from. Far as I can tell, this isn't being provided by the shield, but by the units blueprint. Being that our shield drone adds a P-shield to a unit there isn't a blueprint to be drawn from. Maybe there is some way to "hook" in a change for that. Unfortunately , UI modding is not my area of knowledge.

Unless someone can pitch in or offer up some advice on how this can be done?

In the mean time, here is how the shield health is being calculated by the drone currently:

	if table.find(bp.Categories ,'EXPERIMENTAL') then
		sldHealth = 10000
		rChgTime = 120
		rChgRate = 100
		eCost = 300
	elseif table.find(bp.Categories ,'TECH3') then
		sldHealth = sldHealth * 0.3
		rChgTime = 90
		rChgRate = 10
		eCost = 25
	elseif table.find(bp.Categories ,'TECH2') then
		sldHealth = sldHealth * 0.5
		rChgTime = 60
		rChgRate = 5
		eCost = 10
		sldHealth = sldHealth * 0.75
		rChgTime = 30
		rChgRate = 2
		eCost = 5

in many ways, the above figures are not properly balanced. Though the idea was for the shield drone to be a significant material investment and thus I gave it more wiggle room. If you have ideas on how to improve this, I'm open to suggestions.


Digging into all this further it appears that shields are not really holding the base health figures in self.MyShield and thus the UI has to constantly refer to the units blueprint. While for units that have their shields predefined in the blueprint or enhancement this is all good, but for units that are given shields via non standard means this creates a problem. How can the shields Max and current health figures be discovered if its not held in self.MyShields? Without which It's not possible to update Unitview.lua to show the shield max for that unit during a mouse over.

Edit: Ok figured it out...

Apparently the shields are being treated as entities (I forgot about this). Thus its possible to call on a units shield health via...

if self.MyShield then
	WARN('	self.Shield: ', self.MyShield:GetMaxHealth() )	

This its possible to alter the Unitview.lua to work with most custom shields that are not based off a units Blueprint such as the 4DFAF shield drones.

Modified snippet from Unitview.lua, that I will try out...

if not shield.ShieldMaxHealth then
	if unitBp.Enhancements then
		shield = unitBp.Enhancements[getEnh.GetEnhancements(info.entityId).Back]
	elseif self.MyShield then
		shield = self.MyShield:GetMaxHealth()

Side note: It could just as easily be unitviewdetail.lua as I'm not ever messed with either of these before and have yet to discover what each one does despite similar names and inferred purpose.

So far my attempts to do anything with the UI are showing nothing. None of the expected outputs, or errors of any kind.

Made a little more progress... It appears that unitviewDetail.lua specifically the "show" function is responsible for this portion of the UI. That being said, not much information is being passed to it to be able to pull the units ShieldMaxHealth from anything other than its blue print. This appears to be by design if i recall, to prevent players with UI mods from being able to directly alter SIM side assets.

Unfortunately this means that it will NOT be possible to have the units ShieldMaxHealth shown on the UI, if the unit received its shields from anything other than a blueprint.

Only possibility is to figure out how to alter the UI from the SIM such when the drone shield is created this gets added somehow. Not sure how this would be possible, as the UI triggers on mouse over, not on the shields creation.

@resin_smoker said in 4DFAF Uploaded:

I took a look at how or rather where the information of where the shields health info is coming from. Far as I can tell, this isn't being provided by the shield, but by the units blueprint. Being that our shield drone adds a P-shield to a unit there isn't a blueprint to be drawn from. Maybe there is some way to "hook" in a change for that. Unfortunately , UI modding is not my area of knowledge.

Well if there's one thing I've observed about you Resin, whether on your own, or with the aid of someone else, you always seem to figure things out 😉

PS: Loving the custom Cybran cloak. I always thought that every faction should have its custom cloak. Now you can differentiate UEF and Cybran cloak. While not essential, to the aesthetic lovers amongst us, a treat. Might as well bring in what you can from DMS. Something different is always good.