UEF ACU Nano Repair Bug

Hello there, I am looking for some help as to where I might find a bug fix or mod or whatever to deal with the issue that whenever the UEF ACU goes up in veteran status then the Nano Repair module on the left arm becomes defunct, leading to only having the regeneration rate of whatever veteran status I am at instead of the full 200 HP per second. I've seen a couple of threads on the old archived FAF Forum but even that didn't lead anywhere.

Faithfully, a UEF main.

No idea where u get the +200 HP/sec from. The UEF Nano is with 800 mass investment by far the cheapest and gives +40regen/sec and +1500 base HP.

I take it that is from a mod of some sort or FAF itself? 'Cause those values on the picture don't match what I just saw in game by far. I'm on vanilla instead of FAF, just here to see if I can get a fix for the bug.

@edzono10 Ah, now it makes sense xD. Yeah the above is from FAF and this here is the official FAF forum. FAF has implemented countless bugfixes, performance and balance fixes, new AI mods, coop missions... All those changes makes the game way more enjoyable to play and the playerbase is considerably bigger than on the steam version.
Look here for a quick overview

If u wanna give it a try, start here. https://www.faforever.com/

Ah that's better. I'll look into this. Appreciate it.

Happy to hear that and welcome to FAF!
If you got any questions, FAF discord is usually the best place to drop those.