Where the buildmode settings?

cant find buildmode hotkey and settings but he is in gamedata help pls

@freemanitsnothe If you're asking about the vanilla/base game Build Mode, there are no settings for that, only the keybind to activate it via in-game F1 Key Bindings > Orders > Toggles keyboard build command mode on and off.

Most players do not use this as it's inferior to the Hotbuild Preset or Alternative Preset, both available at the bottom of the F1 Key Bindings menu.

@mostlostnoob i dont have this in F1

@FreemanItsNotHe That keybind is present in both vanilla SCFA (in the Steam version at least) as well as in FAF. Can you please take a screenshot of the bottom keybinds shown in the Order section of the F1 Key Bindings menu as this keybind will be close to the bottom?

Also of note, the default assignment for this keybind is B.