TMM Map generator contest

I play many 3v3 TMM games, there are so many terrible generated maps, and some are very nice and fun.

My suggestion, there could be a contest who everybody can vote from a pool of 100-200 generated maps. The winner maps ( 20-30 or so ) will be active for the next month.

In general, i hope there will be a change in the map generation, just to much
horrible maps.

Me personal i hate maps with dark red color or heavily scattered mass. I don´t
want to play a Roomba simulator, where you have to clean every dirty corner of the map.

Heavily Asymetric map kinda sucks too, where one player gets like 20 mex close
and teammate gets just like 6-7 close to his base.

I mean.... If you don't like Mapgen, just queue 4v4? Since there are fixed maps and no nasty surprised such as 30 mex vs 7 mex spots?
Selecting certain mapgens is 1) not the purpose of using mapgen and 2) extra effort which is always bad even though it just sounds lazy


tbf there are plenty of player-made maps where some slots get more mexes than others. You just have to work with your team to either share the mass or have that player help you out. Yeah it can suck, but it's part of the game and the opposing team is having the same issues you are. If you're in a slot with few mexes your main job it stall out the opponent with more mexes until your your teammate with more mexes can come save the day.

It´s not about the mex problem only, but the asymetric/mex thing occures very often.
A very weak player gets the mex rich side and then you are screwed.

Like i said, ugly maps, bad colors, asymetric, plain boring, weird style, scattered mass ( Roomba simulator ), depressing lighting.
When everything comes together you just want ctr-k and end this.

Why human made 2v2/4v4 maps are better looking, variations of desert/terran/carribean are so nice for the eyes, share of eyebleeding Mars/Ice maps
are overrepresented in 3v3, they could just change the config, this should take just minutes, less ugly colors would definitely help.
Share of Mars maps/ice maps should be 5%-10%, not more.

I don´t want play 4v4 just because 3v3 maps looks like shit.

Generally i like generated map, it´s like a slot machine, you lose like 99% times and 1% you get lucky 😉
Jokes aside, i´m in favor of generated maps, but there should be more quality or selection options.