I request a change to the options/default AI settings to improve the AI performance.
1./ Change Amount of Land Expansions Limit - Increase needed.
2./ Change Amount of Naval Expansions Limit - reduction needed.
There have been claims that the AI has been improved in some of the latest patches.
Case 1./
I do not agree as the AI is not expanding correctly on land and is much weaker as a consequence.
When the AI can not expand the FA Markers can not be set to make the AI built more Plants and therefor builds less units. Also the AI has lost the ability to appear to have strategic intelligence.
Plz change the default Land Expansions to 8[temporally] or fix the bug in the code.
When 8 or 'unlimited' is selected it works as it should ... the AI expands to unused start positions and large and small expansion area markers... it could be argued that the AI is expanding too much, when set on unlimited, to have an efficient economy. This may prevent the AI teching up to T3 as quickly as is possible.
At present the Land Expansion Limit setting is broken for settings of 5[default] and 6. I did not test 7. On 8 the AI does 3 expansions - two spare start positions and one large expansion. I did not test 9. When set on infinite the AI expands to build bases on spare start positions, large expansion area markers and small expansion area markers.
In case 2./ a different problem occurs. The AI builds too many Naval expansions and that causes pathing problems and slows game speed.
I don't think there is anything wrong with the Naval Expansion Limit code, I would just like to turn it down to a default of 3 or 2 so the AI does not overbuild navy. At present when four AIs build two/three shipyards at each Naval Area marker the T3 ships get stuck in the maze of shipyards.
Please note that all tests games were played against multiple teamed AIx ... 3 or more.