I am sorry

I just wanted to apologize for being such an asshole to the people that play this game. I have played this game for quite awhile and im ashamed at myself to not have a better relationship with the game and or people I've put alot of time in. All this is at my fault to no one elses nor am I expecting for forgiveness! Im starting to get older and work on myself as a whole and maybe you guys don't care or think this is troll garbage, but I will start trying to be a better player with a better attitude.


No. You are not getting unbanned.

I mean.... I do agree with you; Especially the games where you just rq'd at min 6 due to like one lab getting through were.. Interesting to say at least.
Time to unfoe ig; glgl with the improvement, I highly appreciate ppl noticing the behaviour and actually want to change it



Didn’t you play today?

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@azath0th Nah i got crushed today unfortuantly :(:(