Unit Charging Line

I've never been able to figure this out, how do you get the charging to fire line on a new unit, like what shows on artillery? I have units that require energy to charge up and fire, but there is no visible indication of the unit charging.


You mean the additional Orange Progress Bar/Line, which Shows Up and Defines the Weapon Reload Status on some Units (Mobile Missile Launchers or Mobile Artillery Units). That is the Blueprint Variable which is responsible for that:

RenderFireClock = true,

This needs to be added to their Weapon Code to make the Line Visible on the Units.

You need to go into in-game Options & turn these settings On:

Interface > Display More Unit Stats
Interface > Single Unit Selected info


Thanks! Do you mean in the weapon code that is in the unit's blueprint file? Or in the projectile file of the weapon?

That should go in the unit bp inside the weapon that needs it.

Yes you need to place it into the Weapon Code of the Unit Blueprint File.

Heh, I figured it out shortly after posting. Appreciate the help.