Split mex t2/t3 upgrade hotkey
This thread made me think of this: https://xkcd.com/1172/
I made this mod that prevents mex's from double upgrading. Might help solve the issue.
What's it do exactly? Prevent queueing the next mex upgrade?
Yeah just looked at it, that's what it does.
Still seeing lots of accidental T3 mexes deciding high level ladder games. It will be a problem perpetually since most of these people aren't active regularly so there will always be people coming in that are not adjusted to the change, and do not know it was made.
Similarly, hotbuild seems to have been made a bit more finicky with switching buildings so you can often make accidental air factories or other things.
It is pretty criminal to be constantly changing the UI of a 17 year old game and messing up everyones muscle memory. Many prominent members of the community are inactive for months at a time, and each time they come back there will be different random UI quirks and new stupid features that are enabled by default, along with a new group of UI mods that were broken and have to be replaced.
Similarly, hotbuild seems to have been made a bit more finicky with switching buildings so you can often make accidental air factories or other things.
This was reported and fixed, will be shipped with the hotfix of tomorrow.
It is pretty criminal to be constantly changing the UI
Usually these are accidental. We're open to feedback, but we can't process feedback that we don't have
It is pretty criminal to be constantly changing the UI of a 17 year old game and messing up everyones muscle memory. Many prominent members of the community are inactive for months at a time, and each time they come back there will be different random UI quirks and new stupid features that are enabled by default, along with a new group of UI mods that were broken and have to be replaced.
"Keep the game fresh otherwise FAF will slowly die"
"No, not like that"You can't win
Pretty big difference between changing gameplay and changing the UI and controls.
It is clearly a deliberate choice to add new UI things like automatic mex selection with cursor, auto-ringing, reclaim batching, changing upgrade key behavior, and it's a deliberate choice to enable them by default. And it has the side effect of breaking UI mods people have been using for a long time.
It creates a barrier for any player returning from hiatus since they have to go through the interface options and mod vault trying to restore the UI to how it was when they last played.
These things would be good changes in a new game, or in development game, but it's not great for an ancient game that people just come back to from time to time.
I think with faf-develop being played so little, there are always going to be bugs that slip through and you can't fault the contributors for that, especially when they are quick on getting the fixes done once issues are identified.
Ideally we find some to encourage it to be played more - and also a way to avoid downloading the regular game files when going back to normal games.
for intentional changes to actual ui behaviour these should be defaulted to what you currently have in your game.prefs however.
T ThomasHiatt referenced this topic on
I actually ended up installing Spikey's mod that stops you from upgrading mexes from t1 to t3 with the hotkey. There's just no upside and potentially a massive downside when you start a t3 mex upgrade by accident.
For me it's not a skill issue, i came back recently after a 2 year pause and i mostly play with Turtleman, we played a few dozens games already. We play since 2007 and have played countless games. We both noticed in the firsts two games the behaviour change.We are not especially low skilled (1800-2300 global depending on season), inexperienced, or imprecise, but we still get "random" T3 mexes occuring almost every game. We just got better at suspecting and pausing them.
It's not really the same thing as asking for units in factories imo. When you know you will be able to afford a T2 mex in a heated game you just get the first T1 mex nearby (with keybind or unzoom) and press upgrade button.
I don't agree that doing the error almost every single game that gets intense or with a big map dozens and dozens of time with that kind of experience when we almost never miss anything else comparable in a game is "just on us for being autistic clickers" ; it is a little more complicated than that.
I'm glad to see we are not alone ^^
I don't care how it can be fixed just give me a solution