Newest Features:
- Can now set a 2nd spawn point, under "Secondary Spawn Spot". An AI/Human must be assigned to the spot for it to work. The 2nd Spawn Player can also be set to suicide on start, if one doesn't want any base building, under "HQ/2ndSpawn Base Building On/Off".
- 2nd Spawn is useful for splitting navy on maps with two ponds, cause waves to take more paths to attack players, and attack players from two fronts. Also can be set to be a tempting target that weakens the HQ. The 2nd Spawn Building is weaker than the HQ and has weaker defenses. Works with water spawns, will spawn on water.
- 2nd Spawn has various settings. Host can enable what waves spawn and how large the waves are. For example, if Land Waves are 80 units a wave, and 2nd Spawn is set to spawn 50% Land Waves, it will spawn 40 units (roughly, it is random, so there is some variation between waves).
- 2nd Spawn can also be set to suffer permanent wave losses if destroyed.
Example: Air Waves 80 Units. 2nd Spawn set to 50%, so both HQ and 2nd Spawn are spawning 40 unit waves. "Transfer Units to HQ Spawn" is set to 50%. When 2nd Spawn is destroyed, HQ will recovery half of 2nd Spawn's units and start spawning 60 unit waves.
- Wave Multipliers for Land/Air/Navy. Waves can be set to grow larger as game progresses or grow smaller. One can set it so Waves start out huge and grow smaller as they tech up, or the opposite.
- EndGame Air bosses have been buffed.
- "HQ/2ndSpawn Base Building On/Off" option will now clear any engineers/factories built by ACU before it self-destructs, allowing players to enable build speed mods.