To make Support Bases more necessary to attack, and add a bit more random chaos to the game, Support Bases will now deploy Rifts that will spawn more units! This is an optional setting, and number of units each Rift Orb spawns can be set in settings. Rifts will spawn more units depending on team strength, becoming more on an issue.
For each Support Base that is alive, the Base will fire an EMP nuke that will deploy a Rift Orb. The Orbs have area shields and weapons, and will begin to spawn in land units. EMP Nukes will launch throughout the game, and any Rifts that are destroyed will eventually be redeployed. Eliminating Support Bases will reduce the number of Rift Orbs that can be deployed. Expect the situation to become much worse if the Support Bases aren't eliminated before Endgame.
SB5: Rift Orbs:
Enables Support Bases to deploy Rift Orbs, which will spawn additional units to attack players. Rift Orbs are deployed on EMP Nukes vulnerable to SMD. Every Support Base can support one Rift Orb. Rifts that are destroyed will eventually be redeployed. Any undeployed Rift Orbs are launched at Endgame. Rifts spawn more units based on team strength and building Endgamers.
Other Changes:
-All Dooms now have torpedoes and Doom Fatboy got a slight buff.
-OC Damage vs Dooms, Support Bases, and Rift Orbs has been increased to 2.5x.
-The Seraphim Lightning Tank and the Aeon T3 Mobile Artillery have both been made Hover units, to make Amphibious only waves a little more interesting.