Delay between unit contruction for air factories..?

@jip said in Delay between unit contruction for air factories..?:

The only "annoying" delay I encountered, is the lag delay from other players, which can result in several seconds until the fab reacts again after it has upgraded or changed its units queue.

I've not found out why this occurs yet 😞 . I think it is because the 'previous' factory occupies the build location, and therefore the factory waits a few seconds for it to clear. But I have no idea if that is correct

This is basically correct. There is also an aspect where it needs to “wait” for animations in some cases before “building”
Finished in some cases (UEF facs with its build arms being most obvious example iirc.)

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

I assume the change for land factories to start building as soon as the unit has left the platform instead of a time delay could be the cause for this change