RCVI - Venus Rising ~ 3v3 ~ $1,500
he is obviously reffering to imba teams, that's it
Eh, rn me and arch would be like 6 and 8 in terms of rating for picks so it isn’t even imba really. The imba aspect is that there are the handful of 2300-2400 captains that make their team 200-300 points higher on average since there are enough 1800s to fill the rest of the slots on teams. Can’t fix it unless you force Yudi/Farm to pick some 1400 but at that point you might as well as go back to rating caps.
act as you know, I just said my thought, exactly a year ago I could not play in this tournament for reasons known to everyone, now I want to take part, and I’m a little confused that the registration rules have changed, because it takes away from the thought of how it happened before , and I liked the last way more, in any case, good luck to everyone in this tournament, the main thing is that the game is fair xDDDDDD
Reminds me of the whole bully thing with "nooooo you and ftx are way stronger than me and auto in 2v2, it's not faaair" before they clapped us and knocked us out.
There is less than 500 rating difference between all the teams right now and this is before the 3rd player picking which is gonna make it closer by a few 100 (unless teams purposely pick a lower rated player). I'm sure the team that will pick protect won't get stronger than the team who picks a random 1800
The 4.1k-rating ceiling won't hold.
The 4.1K ratings cap is only for pre-draft registration purposes.Read Post #4 for the registration and draft procedures, here:
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/5400/rainbow-cup-vi-3v3-1-500/4 -
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
@fearghal I thought having lower rating would give me a chance to be picked into stronger teams. It's reversed now. I won't be picked.
Your rules are too hard to follow. Need to simplify.
The last RC was for under 1800 players,
where 36 players from 800 to 1800 got to play.This tourny was purposely set up to have
a higher rated field of players participate. -
This post is deleted! -
@fearghal Entered data to the wrong player Rainbow Cup VI ~ 3v3 ~ $1,500
Thanks for pointing out, will correct now. -
Registration still open until - end of Feb 28th.
Sign up Below. -
Sign up Salnik global
2 new updates!Uveso has just released version v109
read about the update here:
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/350/ai-uveso-v110-ai-mod-for-faforever/149M27 has also released a new version v69
read all about it here:
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/2373/ai-development-guide-and-m27ai-v69-devlog/169Download both in the FAF client Mods vault.
Registration ends tomorrow Feb 28 @ 2400 EST
(0500 UTC time Mar 1st, - approx. 36 hours from now)The Draft will commence 8 hours later at 1300 UTC on March 1st.
Captains -
Please read Post #4 above to familiarize yourselves with the team formation and draft process here:
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/5400/rainbow-cup-vi-3v3-1-500/4Especially regarding the first round draft process, listed again here:
Team Draft Process
Round 1 of draft:
Draft starts with the 8th seeded Captain and
continues sequentially up thru ALL 8 Captains.When it is a Single Captains turn to draft, he may:
choose ANY player in the draft pool,
whether or not the combined team total is >4.1K.When it is a 2 player Team Captain's draft turn,
he has TWO options:
1: He may "Pass" and Keep his Pre-Draft registered partner, or
2: He may "Trade" his Pre-Draft registered partner and
----------"Draft" - ANY player in the draft pool.
The traded player is Immediately placed into the draft pool..
.As of now... it looks like there will be 10 players drafted
to make up the 24 players needed to form 8 teams of 3.Example of "possible" draft sequence:
Team #8 Captain "may" trade his pre-draft pick and
draft a different player from the draft pool.
His current playing partner would be placed in the draft pool.After the 2 other single captains draft a player and
the 5 other captains who signed up with a teammate either:
"Pass" and retain their current partner, or
trade their current player and draft a "new" playing partner.We will then move onto round#2 of the draft.
Where captains draft their 3rd team player, and
Team #8 Captain may even draft his original partner back onto his team :)~ -
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
Captains are also strongly advised to contact their prospective draftee,
before officailly drafting them on March 1st, to:
Make sure they are still available, and committed to play on March 11,12+18.Captains and team members are also encouraged to recruit others to register,
if they would prefer them, to the current pool of draftee's,
to possibly draft them instead.
(as long as some other team - doesn't draft them first)Once the draft has commenced -
The process can Not be retarded back to your pick and
you must wait until the end of the that particular current draft round,
if someone drops out during the draft.
At the end of the current draft round, where a player drops...
you will be able to draft another player,
before moving on to the next draft round.(Please... don't drop out, it complicates things, and causes imbalances)
Players in the draft pool - do not have option to turn down a draft selection, and
must either join team or resign from the tournament.The draft will take place on the rainbow-cup-vi discord channel here:
This channel is open to All to follow and participate on.Good Luck Everyone!
Sign me up pls.
Sign me up! Cheers
Happy to draft who ever needs ill be online shoot a message and we can run a few games!