M28AI Devlog (v129)

@tankenabard said in M28AI Devlog (v126):

@maudlin27 The AI Logic button is messing with the Nomads somehow, though I'm not sure it's a priority. It makes all of the commander ability buttons appear, but none of them work anymore, even if you have the upgrade.

Thanks for reporting, it'll be fixed in the next update

v127 Update
29 smaller changes and fixes, including:

  • Fixing bugs relating to M28's shared armies feature that could cause issues with certain units that have drones (e.g. upgraded kennel, and Nomads ACUs) in LOUD, steam and nomads
  • Increased aggression for T1 arti drops to make them more likely
  • Fixed a bug with the ACU that would cause it to move really slowly when trying to reclaim
  • Adjustments to naval logic to make battleships less likely to keep retreating if they aren't firing at the enemy, and submarines less likely to be built if the enemy has torpedo bombers.
  • 12 LOUD specific changes, including M28 focusing more on units over experimentals, and adding workarounds for some LOUD mechanics and issues (such as where air units cant attack grounded aircraft, or the ACU can end up stuck unable to fire)


  • TankenAbard – highlighting that Nomads ACU abilities were broken with M28 (due to shared armies)
  • Azraeel – Various replays and other suggestions
  • C04spoon – several replays

I've been playing as the AI vs itself a lot, (so much fun for me, ai on, and ai status inherit on) and I've noticed that the ai when it's on my side controlling my army it's pretty terrible at reclaim and economy. Like it should imo with t1 builders always try to build mexes and reclaim anytime something is in range if there's storage space for it. Is this intentional? Also it seems to takes forever to upgrade mexes. I watch a lot of gyle recasts when I'm not playing the ai vs itself with me as a backseat driver, for context. P.S. I'm doing this on tournament 10km generated maps also fwiw, 1v1.

@innomen I’d expect it to build mexes and get reclaim if it has control of all engineers in the area (assuming it is low on mass and there aren’t nearby enemy units).

Mex upgrades are generally not sought after/prioritised in 1v1 as on 10km maps prioritising t1 tank spam is usually better.

@maudlin27 So it is intentional, oky, seems like I always die with a tapped mass bar. Oh well. My impression is very different. I'd focus econ and air control, since that seems to win replays. but I'm clearly not the expert XD Thanks again for making this 🙂

@maudlin27 FWIW neroxis_map_generator_1.12.3_jr5vbqk53twfc_aiiaeaq_aaaaaadg6msjk

(unexplored 20x20) 1v1 me vs ai really didn't like the map. Is this a known thing? perhaps because unexplored?

In what way did it not like the map, and do you have a replay id?

v128 Update
16 changes and fixes, including:

  • Reducing the number of naval factories that get built
  • Factored in mobile shields when assessing how strong an enemy naval force is
  • Made the naval combat logic more detailed so it is more likely to take into account units that are relatively near it when deciding what to do
  • 7 LOUD specific changes, including fixing an incompatibility resulting from the latest LOUD 7.10 release, and fixing an issue that meant M28's ACUs would be overly aggressive.


  • Vortex - several LOUD replays, including one highlighting M28's ACU being too aggressive
  • c04spoon - replay highlighting various torpedo bomber related issues
  • GerJS - Noting that with particular game settings M28 would prevent one of the objectives loading on UEF M6

@maudlin27 It took forever to do the first analysis and every few seconds it froze. no replay, it was unplayable, also ai games don't get recorded, that's why I linked the map name so you could reproduce it. Also, I think the crab is bugged, egg units don't inherit AI status.

@innomen Looking into it this is an issue with how MapGen defines the playable area on such maps (in that it starts with no playble area, which then causes an issue for FAF's navigational mesh logic). Jip's kindly offered to look into it further.

v129 Update

22 changes and fixes, including:

  • Increased options for the AIx overwhelm modifier to allow smaller AIx modifier adjustments (+/- 0.05, 0.02 and 0.01)
  • Increased cruiser production in certain scenarios to protect from torp bombers
  • Fixed a bug where M28Easy would ground-fire subs
  • 11 LOUD specific adjustments (including support for bombardment ships, not treating engineering ships like frigates, a bug that prevented M28 recognising when its naval units shots were being blocked by terrain, and some logic that in some cases may have caused desyncs)


  • GerJS - Replay with M28Easy ground-firing subs
  • Vortex - LOUD replay
  • Innomen – Highlighting a bug with unexplored mapgen maps
  • Zhanghm – noting an issue where in modded games only the megalith would be built by Cybrans in some cases despite unit prioritisation being turned off
  • c04spoon – tips on what naval units work best in a bombardment type role