v119 Update
18 changes, including:
- New game option to disable M28's unit prioritisation logic (that e.g. means after a few LABs it builds tanks; or after a few loyalists/titans it builds bricks/percies) - so e.g. @zhanghm18 you should see more variety of units when you have the unit mods enabled
- New game option to disable M28's dodge micro (for those who dont want to turn off all micro per M28Easy)
- M28 should try and build SAMs and protect them with a shield if faced with an enemy ahwassa (if it has too few asfs)
- Reduced the extent to which M28 should be aggressive with units where the enemy has vulnerable buildings to stop cases where it could cause fatboys to ignore a nearby enemy megalith
- 10 LOUD related changes, including more unit prioritisations (e.g. t1 sniperbots shouldnt be built), reducing tendancy to upgrade hydros that are near the frontline, starting the first t2 mex upgrade earlier, and increasing the land to air factory ratio
- Azraeel - several replays and suggestions re LOUD games
- Vortex - LOUD suggestions and a replay re an early factory upgrade bug
- Fearghal - Replay highlighting an issue where M28's fatboy wouldn't try and run from an enemy megalith