After installing the game and the client on manjaro there seems to be two different Game.prefs files. One the client uses and one the game uses.
Client pref file path:
/home/<user name>/.wine/drive_c/users/<user name>/Application Data/Gas Powered Games/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance/
Game pref file path:
/home/<user name>/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/9420/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Gas Powered Games/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
Did I set up the client and the game incorrectly to cause this to happen? Is there some way to point the client to the one the game works with?
I installed the game by following the instructions in tatsu's video (thanks by the way tatsu for your help!).
I tried editing my client.prefs to point to the one the game loads. However when that breaks the ability to host a game. When I look at the client log it seems like the client is getting a null pointer trying to load the maps list.
If anyone has encountered this and has a fix I will greatly appreciate it
I have found a work around of just copying mod information from the client prefs to the game prefs. Which has been the only thing stored in prefs I have needed so far. So I can stick to that if needed every time I install a mod