Game crashes in minutes. Wat do?

Trying to start custom game with 1 AI just to ease myself back in after a few months break. Constant crashing a few minutes in - sometimes within a minute. Just updated the client after a few months break, and was really looking forward to getting back into FAF! Any ideas for how to fix this?

Ryzen 7 2700
W10 Pro

"Copy to clipboard" below, full log file of the same game at end.

Unhandled exception:

Data error (cyclic redundancy check).

Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /init init.lua /nobugreport /log C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game_16150434.log /gpgnet /mean 769.672 /deviation 115.197 /savereplay gpgnet:// /country AU /clan ANZ /numgames 122 /numgames 106

Unknown symbol (address 0x008d462c)

Last 100 lines of log...

info: Starting background task "Map loader /maps/scmp_036/scmp_036.scmap"
info: Background task "Map loader /maps/scmp_036/scmp_036.scmap" running.
info: Active game mods for blueprint loading: \000{ }
info: Blueprints Loading... '*.bp' files
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /effects directory
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /env directory
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /meshes directory
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /projectiles directory
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /props directory
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /units directory
info: Blueprints Extracting mesh...
info: Blueprints Modding...
info: Blueprints Loading... completed: 603 original, 0 modded, and 25 preset units
info: Blueprints Loading... completed: 389 original and 0 modded projectiles
info: Blueprints Registering...
debug: MEM: -31 bytes RULE
info: Hooked /lua/SessionInit.lua with /schook/lua/SessionInit.lua
info: Hooked /lua/userInit.lua with /schook/lua/userInit.lua
info: Hooked /lua/globalInit.lua with /schook/lua/globalInit.lua
info: Hooked /lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua with /schook/lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua
info: /savereplay
info: REPLAY ID: 16150434
info: Active mods in session: \000{ }
info: Hooked /lua/UserSync.lua with /schook/lua/UserSync.lua
info: Hooked /lua/maui/window.lua with /schook/lua/maui/window.lua
info: Hooked /lua/UserSync.lua with /schook/lua/UserSync.lua
debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes STIMap
debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes LoadTexturing
debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes WaterMask
debug: MEM: -12252683 bytes TERRAIN
info: Background task "Map loader /maps/scmp_036/scmp_036.scmap" finished.
info: Saving replay to "gpgnet://"
debug: MEM: -4194304 bytes LUABP
info: Hooked /lua/simInit.lua with /schook/lua/simInit.lua
info: Hooked /lua/globalInit.lua with /schook/lua/globalInit.lua
info: Hooked /lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua with /schook/lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua
info: Hooked /lua/SimSync.lua with /schook/lua/SimSync.lua
info: Hooked /lua/SimSync.lua with /schook/lua/SimSync.lua
debug: MEM: -4194304 bytes OGRID
info: Loading save file: \000/maps/SCMP_036/SCMP_036_save.lua
info: Loading script file: \000/maps/SCMP_036/SCMP_036_script.lua
info: * OnCreateAI: AIPersonality: (easy)
debug: Detected an AI with skirmish systems: ARMY_2, enabling AI functionality
warning: NUM PROPS = 2023
debug: Active mods in sim: \000{ }
info: Hooked /lua/aeonweapons.lua with /schook/lua/aeonweapons.lua
info: Hooked /lua/sim/weapon.lua with /schook/lua/sim/weapon.lua
info: Hooked /lua/terranweapons.lua with /schook/lua/terranweapons.lua
info: d3d_WindowsCursor on
info: Cam_Free off
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/
info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/selection.lua with /schook/lua/ui/game/selection.lua
info: creating high fidelity terrain
info: creating high fidelity water
info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/minimap.lua with /schook/lua/ui/game/minimap.lua
info: range_RenderHighlighted true
info: range_RenderSelected true
info: range_RenderBuild true
info: creating high fidelity terrain
info: creating high fidelity water
info: res_AfterPrefetchDelay 100
info: res_PrefetcherActivityDelay 1
info: net_lag 0
info: /savereplay
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
info: Exe Version: 1.0
debug: Current gametime: 00:00:00
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: creating high fidelity terrain
info: creating high fidelity water
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: playable area coordinates are { 0, 0, 256, 256 }
info: Offmapareas are {
info: { x0=-100, x1=356, y0=-100, y1=0 },
info: { x0=-100, x1=356, y0=256, y1=356 },
info: { x0=-100, x1=0, y0=0, y1=256 },
info: { x0=256, x1=356, y0=0, y1=256 }
info: }
info: UI_Lua import("/lua/ui/game/buildmode.lua").ToggleBuildMode()
info: Hooked /lua/defaultantiprojectile.lua with /schook/lua/defaultantiprojectile.lua
info: *AI DEBUG: ARMY \0002\000: Initiating Archetype using NormalMain


Data error (cyclic redundancy check).

Its a bit unusual, but this error says there is a problem with your HDD/SSD.
(i see this error the first time in SupCom)

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is basically a data verification method that computer uses to check the accuracy of data on the disks (hard disk drive, optical disks such as CD, DVD etc.) CRC detects accidental changes to raw data residing in the storage media.

I would suggest to check your drives:
Are all cables plugged in correctly ?
chkdsk C: /f (error scan for disc files)
sfc /scannow (validate system files)

In case there are too many errors with chkdsk or sfc then reinstall windows.
hopefully you don't need a new HDD/SSD here

After this make a filecheck from the game via steam;
Then delete everything inside C:\ProgramData\FAForever\gamedata (remove the FAF game data)
Deinstall the FAF client and make a fresh new install.

Now try again;
Host a game with the FAF client to redownload the deleted files from FAF-gamdata.

Please have in mind the error text was printed from the game,
so its possible that this error is a false interpretation of the real error cause.