Trying to start custom game with 1 AI just to ease myself back in after a few months break. Constant crashing a few minutes in - sometimes within a minute. Just updated the client after a few months break, and was really looking forward to getting back into FAF! Any ideas for how to fix this?
Ryzen 7 2700
W10 Pro
"Copy to clipboard" below, full log file of the same game at end.
Unhandled exception:
Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
Program : C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe
Cmd line arguments : /init init.lua /nobugreport /log C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game_16150434.log /gpgnet /mean 769.672 /deviation 115.197 /savereplay gpgnet:// /country AU /clan ANZ /numgames 122 /numgames 106
Unknown symbol (address 0x008d462c)
Last 100 lines of log...
info: Starting background task "Map loader /maps/scmp_036/scmp_036.scmap"
info: Background task "Map loader /maps/scmp_036/scmp_036.scmap" running.
info: Active game mods for blueprint loading: \000{ }
info: Blueprints Loading... '*.bp' files
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /effects directory
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /env directory
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /meshes directory
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /projectiles directory
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /props directory
info: Blueprints Loading: original files from /units directory
info: Blueprints Extracting mesh...
info: Blueprints Modding...
info: Blueprints Loading... completed: 603 original, 0 modded, and 25 preset units
info: Blueprints Loading... completed: 389 original and 0 modded projectiles
info: Blueprints Registering...
debug: MEM: -31 bytes RULE
info: Hooked /lua/SessionInit.lua with /schook/lua/SessionInit.lua
info: Hooked /lua/userInit.lua with /schook/lua/userInit.lua
info: Hooked /lua/globalInit.lua with /schook/lua/globalInit.lua
info: Hooked /lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua with /schook/lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua
info: /savereplay
info: REPLAY ID: 16150434
info: Active mods in session: \000{ }
info: Hooked /lua/UserSync.lua with /schook/lua/UserSync.lua
info: Hooked /lua/maui/window.lua with /schook/lua/maui/window.lua
info: Hooked /lua/UserSync.lua with /schook/lua/UserSync.lua
debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes STIMap
debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes LoadTexturing
debug: MEM: -5247026 bytes WaterMask
debug: MEM: -12252683 bytes TERRAIN
info: Background task "Map loader /maps/scmp_036/scmp_036.scmap" finished.
info: Saving replay to "gpgnet://"
debug: MEM: -4194304 bytes LUABP
info: Hooked /lua/simInit.lua with /schook/lua/simInit.lua
info: Hooked /lua/globalInit.lua with /schook/lua/globalInit.lua
info: Hooked /lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua with /schook/lua/sim/adjacencybufffunctions.lua
info: Hooked /lua/SimSync.lua with /schook/lua/SimSync.lua
info: Hooked /lua/SimSync.lua with /schook/lua/SimSync.lua
debug: MEM: -4194304 bytes OGRID
info: Loading save file: \000/maps/SCMP_036/SCMP_036_save.lua
info: Loading script file: \000/maps/SCMP_036/SCMP_036_script.lua
info: * OnCreateAI: AIPersonality: (easy)
debug: Detected an AI with skirmish systems: ARMY_2, enabling AI functionality
warning: NUM PROPS = 2023
debug: Active mods in sim: \000{ }
info: Hooked /lua/aeonweapons.lua with /schook/lua/aeonweapons.lua
info: Hooked /lua/sim/weapon.lua with /schook/lua/sim/weapon.lua
info: Hooked /lua/terranweapons.lua with /schook/lua/terranweapons.lua
info: d3d_WindowsCursor on
info: Cam_Free off
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/
debug: [uiutil.lua, function UIFile()] - Unable to find file:/textures/ui/seraphim/icons/units/
info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/selection.lua with /schook/lua/ui/game/selection.lua
info: creating high fidelity terrain
info: creating high fidelity water
info: Hooked /lua/ui/game/minimap.lua with /schook/lua/ui/game/minimap.lua
info: range_RenderHighlighted true
info: range_RenderSelected true
info: range_RenderBuild true
info: creating high fidelity terrain
info: creating high fidelity water
info: res_AfterPrefetchDelay 100
info: res_PrefetcherActivityDelay 1
info: net_lag 0
info: /savereplay
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
warning: GetResource: Invalid name ""
info: Can't find texture "" -- trying fallback.
info: Exe Version: 1.0
debug: Current gametime: 00:00:00
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: creating high fidelity terrain
info: creating high fidelity water
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: Exe Version: 1.0
info: playable area coordinates are { 0, 0, 256, 256 }
info: Offmapareas are {
info: { x0=-100, x1=356, y0=-100, y1=0 },
info: { x0=-100, x1=356, y0=256, y1=356 },
info: { x0=-100, x1=0, y0=0, y1=256 },
info: { x0=256, x1=356, y0=0, y1=256 }
info: }
info: UI_Lua import("/lua/ui/game/buildmode.lua").ToggleBuildMode()
info: Hooked /lua/defaultantiprojectile.lua with /schook/lua/defaultantiprojectile.lua
info: *AI DEBUG: ARMY \0002\000: Initiating Archetype using NormalMain