Tired of writing to the team chat?
Can't type that fast?
Here is the solution of your problems! (or not)
Better chat!
Create your own phrases to quickly send them to the chat with only a few clicks!
You can also make levels of tree to separate specific phases:
Every new game mod creates tree with player names:
Question mark will help you understand the functionality of mod
- this mod does not replace your keybinds it uses its own ones
- however it blocks input so you wont be able to give orders to units based on keybinds, so, you will have to close window
- please report about any bugs, its important
In the end:
I hope community will help with promotion of the mod and its improvement, enjoy playing!
Also, here is the list of upcoming features:
- map ping with phrase - done
- better system of blocking input - done
- integrated emojis - ...