My game crashing when i drag select units
2nd time it happen =,(
I got some MODS, selection depreoritizer, UI party, notifications
Anyone else?It just when i drag select units, the game just stops my computer no alt+f4 no control delete they dont even work.
Its the selection deprioritizer who´s fucking me?
We need logs
@kdrafa91 Personal experience, I think it's the mods. I've been playing with barely any mods (no UI party or notifications) and havent had a single issue. Please post logs and be patient Thanks!
Does this help?
Please try and see if you can reproduce the error in question while using no mods.
@jip I´ve played a game vs people today it crashed when i was drag selecting (right in the beggining).
Then i went to play vs ai, in mid game i started drag selecting my units like crazy and eventualy crashed
Then i unselected the mod selection deproritizer V4.1 went a game vs AI and it never crashed
If i get another crash i will warn you about it
It will be the mods, they do some crazy things regarding selection. Try disabling selection deprioritiser
@kdrafa91 keep me posted - and make sure you play on FAF Develop until the next hotfix is out.
@jip I´ve been playing and it never crashed again, it was the MOD selection deprioritiser crashing my game. It was the only MOD that i disabled, the others are all on.
Great, thank you for reporting back