320€ for 2v2 tournaments! Kings and Veterans get ready!

Signing up solo for o3600.
@zwaffelNoob @JaggedAppliance @fruitieN00b @anyone else wanna team up?
Obviously our team wouldn't be going for the win...

I'll be on my laptop tomorrow aka trash gameplay so im sitting this one out 😞

frick snoops!

My friends are so lazy
Team: "With sour cream"
Neytron 1723 + BlinChIk 1767
Total 3490

Sorry for my English. I use translator

Teamname: Vibe squad
TURBO2 2224
JaggedAppliance 2015

Total 4239

Team - 5th place
archsimkat - 1947
Swkoll - 2023

Team - HushNoob and Autonoob
HarzerNoob - 1994
WoundedElkNoob - 1890
Total 3884

Team Spirit Sweeties
banani 1700
MacroNoob 1800

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

Registration for the tournament is closed. Good luck to all teams!

Sorry for my English. I use translator

Thanks to all the players for participating in the tournament!

Congrats to The Good Guys team for becoming King of TMM and Jop and Joppie team to for becoming Prince of TMM .

Final Results:
1st - The Good Guys team
2nd - Jop and Joppie team
3rd - A Very Friendly Lovable Team

Thanks to Jagged Appliance and Lenkin for broadcast. Also thanks to JaggedAppliance, Morax, Tagada and Paralon for helping me from the organization of the tournament and format!

Winners should contact Brutus for their prize money.

Sorry for my English. I use translator

Has Petric ever played TMM?

I hope the guy who used "ni..a" word in one of the last games of tournamant is already banned....