I got my "maps veto for ladder" topic closed by a moderator (i think @angelofd347h ) probably for moderation purpouses and just for one guy that was talking shits on devs, why don't just ban him? The topic was having a lot of discussions also it could have continued with technical stuff to get the maps veto implementation going..
It is true in part that the topic served its purpose, I got the answer that I wanted i.e. that if we will implement it it would be accepted, BUT discussions were starting about how to do it technically and @Jip said:
"if the idea is well thought out and discussed with the other devs and the quality criteria (code-wise) is met then there is little reason to deny the pull request."
So where I should discuss it with devs now? here I was having feedback, I tried to open it on github but got 0 comments. I wanna personally work on it if possible, but with devs help! Thanks in advance..