Attaching AntiAir on Hydrocarbon System

Hey there,

in recently tried to attach an SAM on my UEF Hydrocarbon System and failed successully.

What I did:
1.) added a new Bone in Blender and created a vertex group with the same Name

2.) make changes in Script.lua File
---> this is what i added-->

local WeaponsFile = import('/lua/terranweapons.lua')
local TSAMLauncher = import('/lua/terranweapons.lua').TSAMLauncher
UEB1102 = Class(TStructureUnit) {
Weapons = {
MissileRack01 = Class(TSAMLauncher) {},

3.) then i copied the Weapons section from the SAM Launchers Blueprint into the Hydrocarbon Blueprint and set my new Bone as Rackbone and Muzzlebone at the same time...Moreover i made a few changes in Categories, Defence and so on...

Are there more things to do or does anybody know which mistake i made?
The Blue AntiAir-Range-Ring is there, but i think this is only because of the fire category in my blueprint...Its absolutely not shooting or something...

I know its a giant space for Mistakes, but maybe anybody knows what i did wrong...

Here are my Script.Lua and my Blueprint File:

Script.txt Blueprint.txt

Thank you!

I have no idea how to solve it, but I love how you said you 'failed successfully' - that is the right approach to thinking about it 😄

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