Patchnotes from my AI, maybe the show some some surprising changes:
- New: Added advanced ACU fight function. Microing, threat management, proper overcharge targets.
- Opt: Air Suicide Platoons no longer attack none game ender buildings.
- New: Added option for AIx Overwhelm for variable start time and cheat increase (thanks to bergzand)
- New: Added strategy for NukeSub defense.
- Opt: Added ACU sniper platoon (13-15 fighterbomber -> directattack ACU)
- New: Added a compleatly new AI Ecomanager that can now also pause/disable mobile units. Including stealth, cloak and jammer.
- New: New attack function "AttackHug". Units will move as close as possible to the target and execute suicide.
- New: AI is now able to micro-move units inside a platoon.
- New: AI works now with No-Rush game mode.
- New: Markergenerator is now able to create land expansions incl mass count.
- New: Added debug option for endless games (game restarts on gameend)
- Opt: AI will now sourround TECH2 mass extractors with storage before TECH3 upgrade (4 base mexes)
- New: Added a function to the targetmanager to get high threat areas for nuke/arty fire
- New: SCU enhance function can now also remove already installed enhancements.
- New: Added presetcategory to all preset SCUs. (Blueprint.lua)
- Fix: SCU teleporter platoon is now able to use preset enhanced SCUs
- New: Timebased debug print to the log every 30 seconds with memory and task data.
- Opt: Factories will be placed with more space between each factory.
- New: Added builder+former for amphibious units. incl Nomads. (water maps)
- New: You can now set an AI unit cap independently from players unit cap.
- New: New Unit-Categories. Blueprint.lua is now adding categories for 2 new unitgroups: 'AMPHIBIOUS' and 'HOVER'. (works with mods)
- New: Added new AI function to search teleporter targets. (Now respecting antiteleport towers).
My AI has alos several debug options for better AI programming.
If you want to have a basic AI mod to start with, go to the vault and search for the "Micro AI"
Its just a basic AI with only 1-2 bilders. perfect for learning.