Carriers - how to get them to auto launch
Is there a way to get carrier made units to auto launch or a key to make them launch? I know there is the button in the bottom left but that means i would then have to click on the unit to launch from the current location. Ideally, Id like carrier to act like a normal factory and just spew out aircraft once they are made. Is it possible?
Define "possible". It can be modded, yes. Most people would prefer how it works now, or now but the carrier can build while moving.
The carrier will forgot its build que when it gets a move command.
There is a mod that has a workaround. I sugested to implement it in the game, but it didn't receive positive feedback. -
Thanks guys. Guess what i want isnt possible using normal FAF unmodded.
Didn't read the feedback on it but I imagine it would cause some balance issues. How about just pausing construction while carrier is moving. So at least you wouldn't have to requeue everything, which is the most annoying part of using carriers. -
The engine itself cancels ALL building as soon as a movement order of any kind is given. This is the fundamental reason than none of the mobile factories can build while moving and it's not something that can easily modded.
There is a workaround, that would require some substantial coding - to create an Economy Event for the cost of the unit(s) ordered - which, when completed, would spawn the requested units above the unit in question - but that's a bit of fiddly code that would require some UI changes to implement seamlessly.
This same restriction comes into play whenever a 'deploy' order is given. ALL other orders are cancelled by the engine.