Active Trainers Contact Page


Next game I get in I'll send it to you.

Thank you

Feel free to add yourself as teacher/student in this open community source of links. You must create group for students/teachers first. Https://


Hi guys,

I am looking for a trainer. I am basically stuck at ~650 - 700 on 1v1 and the same on 4v4 for months now. My 1k global rating is from old days where I played a lot of custom games and with whatever luck I got to ~1k on 2v2.
I know FA (or SupCom) from day 1 and played it since then with pauses again and again. I have ~1.5k games in and so know the game quite well. Nonetheless, my gameplay does not seem to reflect that ;-).
I am already studying my replays to find my mistakes and copy what others did well, but there is no visible improvement in rating. I am still having fun, but I am a little competitive as well and want to improve over time.

I hope to find someone who might guide me for some longer time, not just the next few games. I speak german and english and my timezone is CET. I mostly play wednesday evening and friday night. I current favorite faction is Aeon, but I was a very long time UEF player before that.

My latests 1v1s: #19109226 and #19109373


@lldaedalusll Check out the official discord and the channel #gameplay-and-training there.
It's where most of the trainers hang out and most of the replay reviews take place these days.