TMM 4v4 Full Share is super FUN! Great job!
I was so wrong thinking that No Share for TMM 4v4 would be better, not to mention my false assumptions about premade teams abusing the queue...
Regarding the three minute wait time:
The three minute wait time kinda sticks a stick in a spinning wheel of TMM 4v4, because given specific circumstances it sometimes manages to drive people away from the queue.
Here are some examples:
There are more than 8 players and less than 16 players in queue, after the three minute wait time eight lucky players get automatched and the rest (less than 8 ) are left to wait again, at this point, quite often, some of those who didn't get automatched leave the queue. The three minute wait time is one of the motivators for leaving in this situation. Doubts that other players will join the queue - another motivator.
There are 8 players in queue, wait time expires and nobody gets automatched, and the three minute wait time kicks in, again (!) - often players leave at this point, not wanting to wait that long again (!), considering that there still is a big possibility of not being automatched while having enough players in the queue, again (!). Not to mention the time spent waiting for the eight players to gather in the queue to begin with.
There are 20+ players in queue, after the three minute wait time only 8 of them are automatched, and the rest 12+ are forced to wait another three minutes for no reason. At this point the three minute wait time combined with the perplexity caused by the fact that there are still more than 8 players in the queue and they still didn't get automatched drives people away firmly.
I think these examples are the most prominent ones.
Also the long three minute wait time indirectly causes more failed automatches.
Because just sitting and waiting is boring, people start other games, and when they're automatched, the Supreme Commander process fails to start because active processes get in conflict over the available resources of the system, what leads to an failed automatch (encountered this with some games while being in the queue, totally not on purpose).
Anyway, hope this information will help the developers to make the 4v4 TMM even more good!