Allow T1 transports to carry ACUs again

Indeed, requiring t2 air and a t2 transport makes it a much more costly option compared to the benefits (edit for clarity: this is GOOD. Otherwise the benefits FAR outweigh the costs).

If we enable this, there will be a new meta of going t1 and rushing your ACU to strategic locations... and also rushing inties to snipe opponents trying to do that. Games will end quickly with little strategy beyond "I got mid mexes first."

I think this change could be a nice improvement to variance and would create some new metas.

pfp credit to gieb

Sounds good

Originally in TA, transports could carry any unit. Including enemy ACUS. This was never removed because balance simply did not exist as a concept back then.

Simplify transport logic and allow let transports carry ACUs.

If we enable this, there will be a new meta of going transports and kidnapping enemy ACUs, and also rushing inties to snipe opponents trying to do that. I think this change could be a nice improvement to variance and would create some new metas.


The only problem with this and WHY IT WAS REMOVED, was purely because of the abuse you could do with it. You could just rush drop ur com on the enemy base; and it was pretty cancer BUT

I'd like to see acu in t1 transport again just for some change 🙂

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I think it needs to be more costly than a tec 1 transport cause the benefit is huge


Ah yes nothing like the fun and interactive gameplay of putting the auto-loss game mechanic in a 500 hp unit which often can't drop units consistently due to terrain features messing with the mechanic. Can we add a 5% death chance due to a malfunction when you teleport too?

I do believe that the original reason for removing the ability for T1 transports to carry the ACU was to curb exactly the kind of behavior that's being suggested. While it may seem like it would be interesting, it really encouraged a death-wish behavior that brought a spectacular number of games to a rather early and abrupt end.

Maybe someone can make a mod enabling it, then people can have these fun games. But for the ladder I don't think its a good idea.

I wouldnt be surprised if such mod already existed. Anyone checked the vault?
If not it wont take longer than 2 min to make it.