Pathfinding/targetting issue with new version
I'm curious about this one. When I play with my friend he often complains about this problem and I never get it so we were writing it off to lag or something.
But the difference is he plays exclusively UEF where as I mainly play Cybran. Everyone here that is mentioning it is also playing UEF.
Here is ACU moving in circles:
@Melanol could you see if you can reproduce it on FAF Beta? It hasn't been updated the past months
@jip Tested in beta. No walking in circles.
Same map, UEF ACU vs a line of medusas. Default: circles; beta: no circles.
I found it; it is because of this:
@tatsu thank you for reporting, @relentless thank you for the UEF suggestion and @Melanol thank you for taking the time to sand box it. I'll hot fix this tomorrow evening
And Thankyou @Jip... : )
I came on here specifically for this. I notice every time I am in close range with enemy units really counting on the Overcharge my commander starts doing the old circle back retreat instead of shooting the Overcharge. It works half the time. I even rewrote the key from O to Q thinking I was fat fingering the O and hitting the P. I also do play UEF just because I am a moron and it takes me to long to figure out the other races.
I do not have time to do a hotfix this weekend; the fix is available on the FAF Develop game type for those that keep running into this problem. Another solution is to always get the gun upgrade
I'll try to hotfix next week.
The hotfix is live
, should be all good now.
hot diggity dang! thanks for the fix!
I did notice it for t1 arty as well in the past. not sure I'll be able to reproduce it.