Drunk Telemazer

Set target priority to ACU.
Tele in.
Laser doesn't track ACU.
FAF 2024-04-12 19-12-48-low.zip Loss.

Probably because you teleported in too close to the ACU (inside the laser's minimum range to start firing)

In the past I've just seen the laser not fire at all, until you target something further away

That would explain a delay in firing but not how the aim lagged so poorly the laser never impacted his ACU.

@arma473 said in Drunk Telemazer:

Probably because you teleported in too close to the ACU (inside the laser's minimum range to start firing)

In the past I've just seen the laser not fire at all, until you target something further away

Good guess, but not too close if you watch the attached video.

And it doesn't explain the REAL PROBLEM which is how the laser never tracked the ACU.

Does telemazer with target priority just not work now?

I'm surprised there aren't more comments on the attached video above. The effect was pretty strange.

It does look bad. Your ACU's regular gun stays on the enemy ACU, so it's definitely the targeted unit. The Mazer seems to have trouble keeping up with the changing angle. The way your opponents ACU circles around you at close range, makes me wonder if he is aware of this behavior and using it to defend himself.

Each weapon has it's own priority table, but 'COMMAND' appears at the top of the Mazer.

Also, exactly how did you set ACU priority? There's Snipe Mode, built into the game, and then there's mods that do it. Could be a bug in a mod.

No game mods. Minor UI mods. I used the FAF built-in target priority set to ACU.