Problem Launching FAF Game
Hi, I'm having a bit of a problem with FAF that is unusual and hard to explain.
When I go to join my friends lobby, FAF will attempt to launch, fail to do so, FAF will close, and the desktop shortcut deletes its self.
On a fresh install, works first time but the time afterwards this happens, everytime.
Any assistance would be most appreciated as this is way beyond my understanding, Thanks.
@soviet_cyber I would suggest that you start by adding an exception/exclusion for the FAF Client in both the active scan & firewall sections of your AV software & Windows Security.
If that doesn't work, then open Run (Windows+R) & go to the following:
%USERPROFILE%/AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs
Sort by Date Modified. You should see a client.log file (the one without the date). Click the Reply button at the bottom between the
(View) icon & the "Mark unread" button. From there, drag/drop your client.log file into the Reply message window so those that can help (not me) have that data to look at.
@mostlostnoob Cheers for the assist, I believe Avast was at work and I hadn't realised. Hopefully I shall be operational for awhile.