Mod: Selection Depriorizer

It dont work properly. It still selects ground units with airunits.
is ther maybe also a working version somewhere witch is not avaible in the voault ?

@hoschmosch The mod needs to be enabled via hotkey which isnt obvious on first glance. Furthermore there are toggles for filitering domain/exotic/assisters which need to be enabled as well via hotkey.

i tryed to enable it with a hotkey but it changes nothing. there isnt even an info if it is enable or not. but i pressed it annyway but no luck. i gave also the domains a key and tryed every possible combination.

@hoschmosch I am using the exact same mod version as the one from the vault (version 6) and it works fine. If you enable a toggle, there is feedback written in the lower middle screen e.g 123.png

For the mod to work, both below need to be enabled via hotkey

The personal settings of the mod are safed in your game.prefs file (Guess you could even enable it in the file as well by setting the right argument as true). Here is how it looks on my end (search for SelectionDeprioritizerSettings).


You have to bind a key to change options? Lmao 🤣

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@donnie Yeah its pretty archaic and not excatly user friendly xD. Otherwise, the mod works fine.

Your post was very useful. i did it via configfile. it works now. thx