AI sea gameplay problem

Hi there!
Recently there was an update in FAF that changed AI gameplay regarding naval. Now the AI is building naval factories like insane. AI is trying to cover all the available space in the sea with factories and then the game slows down. I like to play vs AIx a lot, but naval update for AI made the game worse. I am setting Naval expansion to None to mitigate this problem. Please, return the default behaviour for AI in the sea!

@pragnanz Which AI (I'm assuming one of the base AI rather than one of the custom AI from a mod), and do you have an example replay?

Sorry for late answer,
Yes, base AI (or AIx).
Example of replay, shared in my onedrive!Am45CW6imGAahN0x_asQBgt0FMlMlA?e=XHaa1B

You can easily see this behaviour in any battle vs base AI (AI or AIx with any Naval expansion level)

This is on the agenda, its a bit of a butterfly effect. We've been sorting out the AI's economy which is giving it spare economy that it in turn spends on other things. On naval maps it can lead to it getting carried away with an excessive amount of T1 naval factories and frigates.

I had a closer look. Ignore what I said above, this looks like a bug related to an expansion condition which is failing rather than a factory builder which is running too often. Will fix.

@relentless Thank you so much!
And one last question: when setting restrictions for match, I can disable T4 Artillery for all fractions, but this also disables the FatBoy for UEF. I can then reenable FatBoy manually, but why fatboy is treated as T4 Heavy Artillery?

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I would guess because it is both artillery and a T4, but I haven't looked at the code.

I've also had an issue where even if there is only a tiny puddle of water on the map or at the very corners, the AI still builds a ton of naval units even thought they're useless.