Game Crashes

after a period of time playing the FA campaign first mission, the game just stops working. I can click on units and everything but I have to taskmanager close the game.


Lot of big mods active - I would cut them down, until you find out which mod is to blame I've already taken a guess. But I would think it's Total Mayhem. I'll play another game to check later.

Nvm, the issue came back after one game without Total Mayhem. Idk if I have the will to try more after attempting for around 30 something games but we'll see.

Turned off Blackops and the Brewlan mods and turned back on Total Mayhem and I managed to finished a game.

Something is currently happening with alternate game modes when BlackOps is on.

The symptom is that the game 'freezes' but you can click on everything. The game just stops playing.

Our group has also had this happen in Phantom-X and Survival map games. Turning BlackOps off lets us play botht hose modes.