Will TML ever be balanced?

@wtfboomnoob said in Will TML ever be balanced?:

@firv At least you can shoot down your own billy now though. Also Cybran needs it as their army has no shields so you'd always kill 15k+ mass with each shot the moment they push out of TMD / static shields.

Maybe, it just feels so wrong that a single unit can completly nullify a very expensive upgrade. Basicly when I see thats there is cybran land on the field, i don't even think about the billy upgrade anymore.

@firv There is no other way to balance it really besides "just stay in your base if you know your opponent has billy".

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

@wtfboomnoob Yeah its just a bit jarring that they went from having no counter to absolute immunity though, which is a bit opressive. Cybran is already very strong and didnt really need a buff in that stage imho