BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed only for FAF v25
Hello friends.
New issue with BlackOps after dev patch 3751.
Each faction has an Anti-Teleport tower, one at T2 and one at T3. These towers have suddenly started providing cloaking in the same radius as the anti-teleport range (brown intel circle).
Here's a quick cheated base that shows everything getting cloaked at the moment of completion.
Have confirmed that it is not a visual bug, and that the cloaking is legitimate (enemies can see radar blips, but no visual of structures without Omni units like t3 scouts). -
this is the line that is no longer working:
self:DisableUnitIntel('unitScript', 'CloakField') -- Used to show anti-tele range
without "unitScript" will disable the cloak correctly.Do we fix this in the game or in the mod?
Good question, I'll look into it this weekend. For now you can fix it in the mod.
Also -
Cybran blackops t3 bot 'Shadow Splitter' has lost its cloaking ability.
No replay here. Just spawn units using cheat and you can see they won't cloak.
The toggle for cloaking ability appears on the UI with unit selected, but it does nothing.
thanks for reporting!
i also found several units in other mods that are not working.
Maybe we need to fix that in game after all. -
Hehe. So the problem with Blackops anti teleport towers having a massive cloaking field is also happening with the Aeon t3 teleporting air transport.
We had someone build one in the last phantom game, and it cloaked his entire base plus half of each if his neighbor's. Lol
I know we are starting to get a bit of a shopping list of things that need updates in Black Ops. Does it help anyone if I make a check list? Or do you have a bug tracker or something somewhere to keep track of this stuff?
@Doompants a check list (with unit ids + the behavior) would be nice, yes
@jip @Uveso -- This is everything we're aware of ATM. I'm sorry I have no programming experience. I'm an ADHD squirrel most days, but I swear if I find time, this almost makes me consider it. lol.
- Several BlackOps Units with teleporting or anti-teleporting abilities (using 'unitScript', 'CloakField' to show radius) are generating massive cloak fields.
Units affected: All BlackOps T2 and T3 anti-teleport towers, Also BAA0309 (Aeon t3 transport 'Illuminate'). Other teleporting units, ACUs and SACUs are fine.
- Several BlackOps Teleporting units have teleport button on UI, but can no longer teleport
*Units affected: BAA0309 (Aeon t3 transport 'Illuminate'), EAL0301 (Aeon t3 harassment bot 'Faithbreaker'). Teleporting ACUs and SACUs are fine *
- Several BlackOps Cloaking units have cloaking toggle button on UI, but can no longer self-cloak (note that cybran transport cloaks others, but not itself as it used to). Cloaking ACU upgrades and buildings are fine.
Units affected: BRA0309 (Cybran t3 Transport 'Vanisher'), ERL0301 (Cybran Cloaking Bot 'Shadow Splitter').
- BlackOps Cybran ACU maser upgrade becomes bugged (fires erratically or not at all) after riding in transport.
Units affected: ERL0001 (BlackOps Cybran Armored Command Unit). Note that this behavior was fixed previously for Vanilla ACU (URL0001).
- Crash Damage on Czar is still ~16000 (can't find in blueprint where that is listed). If it can't be easily balanced to vanilla values, can BlackOps Czar be removed (use vanilla)? Alt-fire mode is kinda OP anyways.
*Units affected: UAA0301 (BlackOps Czar).
- as per @Nari , attack drones have stopped working at some point. They spawn with the units they are atteched to and then do nothing (or in the case of the Tempest, they land in the tempest like a carrier and cannot be reactivated)
Units affected: BEL0402 (UEF Experimental Assault Bot 'Goliath MK II'), BSL0401 (Seraphim Experimental Hover Tank 'Yenzotha'), UAS0401 (BlackOps version of Aeon Experimental Battleship 'Tempest').
Oh wow, thanks for the nice list!
i started to fix the not workingself:DisableUnitIntel('unitScript', 'CloakField')
Just removing the 'unitScript' argument fixed the first issue, but in the end it was not working.
This is also the case in some other mods. -
I've been picking away at your list @Doompants
Several BlackOps Cloaking units have cloaking toggle button on UI, but can no longer self-cloak (note that cybran transport cloaks others, but not itself as it used to). Cloaking ACU upgrades and buildings are fine.
You mention
. I've gone back to June 2022, it doesn't cloak the transport itself there either. It can cloak other transports, and therefore receive the cloak from a fellow transport. The code responsible is highlighted, the cloak field excludes the unit that generates the cloak field:That has not changed in the past six years,
so it seems to me that.BRA0309
works as intendedLooking at it further:
The unit is considered cloaked by the game, as this scout is unable to see the unit (just the radar blips). @Uveso what are your thoughts on removing that condition of the if statement, so that the unit feels cloaked, as it is indeed cloaked?
I'll look over the remainder of your list over the coming days.
Appreciate the time. I know the Shadow Splitter bot broke, so I thought perhaps the same change broke the Vanisher, but my memories of them being completely cloaked could indeed have stemmed from flying them in multiples.
If you say the unit IS cloaked, just doesn't look cloaked to the player, I found the same is true of the Seraphim ACU upgrade that
allows it to be cloaked in place when not moving (like a Selene scout). Maybe the same tweak could be made to that as well. (ESL0001 I believe) -
I got carried away.
- Fix for anti-teleport towers:
- Fix for teleport of tech 3 Aeon transport:
- Fix for teleport of tech 3 Aeon bot:
- Fix for cloak / stealth not working on Shadow Splitter:
- Fix for drones not working:
This should cover the majority of your issues @Doompants , @Uveso feel free to test / merge these as you see fit.
I'll make a pull request in the base game to fix the cloaking field effect not applying to the unit that emits the cloak field. That likely won't see the day of light until June. The next development iteration is set to release in June, see also:
wow thanks for your awesome work!
In the last week my time was a bit tight. It was my birthday and of course Easter.
I will take some time on the weekend to merge your PR's and test it. -
@Jip earning that cowboy hat! Thanks my dude!
@Uveso Happy Birthday!! Our group plays weekly on Fridays, but if you want some help testing the mod before you up it to the vault, just PM me with a link and I'll test what I can solo or rope someone into it during the week
.Only things I see missing is the Cybran ACU transport fix and the crazy-high Czar crash damage.
@doompants said in BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed only for FAF v20:
@Jip earning that cowboy hat! Thanks my dude!
@Uveso Happy Birthday!! Our group plays weekly on Fridays, but if you want some help testing the mod before you up it to the vault, just PM me with a link and I'll test what I can solo or rope someone into it during the week
.Only things I see missing is the Cybran ACU transport fix and the crazy-high Czar crash damage.
Lemme know when you play and ill join. Hardly anybody wants to play just blackops or blackops acu
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
Update v21 (24.Apr.2023)
Thanks to @Jip who provided this patch.- Unit baa0309 Illuminate - (T3 Air Transport) fix for cloak
- Unit beb4209 ATF-205 Preventer - (Anti-Teleport Field Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit bab4309 Quantum Wake Generator - (Anti-Teleport Generator) fix for cloak
- Unit brb4309 Shroud - (Anti-Teleport Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit bsb4309 Haazthue-Uhthena - (Anti-Teleport Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit beb4309 ATF-305 Preventer - (Anti-Teleport Field Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit brb4209 Mist - (Anti-Teleport Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit bsb4209 Haazthue-Uhthena - (Anti-Teleport Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit bab4209 Quantum Wake Generator - (Anti-Teleport Generator) fix for cloak
- drones no longer checks for target.Dead ~= nil; (it is sometimes false, not nil)
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U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
M MadMax referenced this topic on
M MadMax referenced this topic on
Update v22 (03.May.2023)
Thanks to Balthazar who provided this patch.- fixed a incompatibility with BrewLAN (missing SizeZ on units)
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U Uveso referenced this topic on
Update v23 (05.May.2023)
- fixed a incompatibility with BrewLAN (Thanks to Balthazar)
- fixed a bug in case a air weapon has no RangeCategory UWRC_AntiAir
So we've had a couple weeks of games and everything on the fixed list seems to be working wonderfully, so thank you both again for maintaining.
Confirmed that the crazy-high ~16000 dmg Czar crash damage is still there, and the Cybran ACU maser still breaks if they get in a transport.
@Jip the maser breaking was something that happened at some point in vanilla, but was fixed. Are you able to identify what was done to fix it? I'm sure it's a case that the Cybran ACU in the BlackOps ACU mod probably broke at the same time, but just never got fixed like Vanilla did.
Thanks again for your help!!!
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U Uveso referenced this topic on