RCVI - Venus Rising ~ 3v3 ~ $1,500
@Sladow-Noob You know that you want to sign up for this!
@thewreck Max. as a substitute, otherwise no. Me as a captain there would be a complete joke especially cuz my rating is like 2.3k cuz I'm chilling with some (low ranked) m8s from Discord and just insta-disqualify my team :4head:
Sounds good to me I need weak teams to crush harder B).
Draft starts March 1st at 1300 UTC.
Please read the below draft process,
which applies to all 8 captains.Team Draft Process
Round 1 of draft:
Draft starts with the 8th seeded Captain and
continues sequentially up thru ALL 8 Captains.When it is a Single Captains turn to draft, he may:
choose ANY player in the draft pool,
whether or not the combined team total is >4.1K.When it is a 2 player Team Captain's draft turn,
he has TWO options:
1: He may "Pass" and Keep his Pre-Draft registered partner, or
2: He may "Trade" his Pre-Draft registered partner and
----------"Draft" - ANY player in the draft pool.
The traded player is Immediately placed into the draft pool.Round 2 of draft:
8th seeded Captain drafts Any player in the draft pool.
Draft continues up to 1st seeded Captain.Here is the current and d -
Two of the predrafted teams exceed the 4100 rating cap.
@fearghal said in Rainbow Cup VI ~ 3v3 ~ $1,500
Captains rated >2.2K have their rating capped at 2.2K,
@ftxcommando So many rules and exceptions.
Attention: the Registration period is now over.
The draft has commenced.
Poor Doni
Dose this rating cap mean i might get drafted?
@end-game The rating cap was only to prevent two 2400s to sign up together. The third pick is not rating-capped. So yeah, sorry to say that but the chance that you'll get picked is quite low.
Current Team and Draft Pool:
Captains - Submit team names if you like
Follow the tournament live on Challonge -
Here: https://challonge.com/kk5hcwra
Team 3 if they want to win should name their team "Swkoll Crushers Crushers Crushers".
FAF players when they realize humor is also just copying BOs
This post is deleted! -
This post is deleted! -
Todays daily tip and reminder:
AI Mods:
Last year we had many games feature 2 different AI mods.
One game (Dark Liver Mirrored),
actually had 3 different AI's (Swarm, Uveso and RNGAI)This year - there wil be NO games with more than 1 AI type.
Some of the AI's do not play well together and
loading more than 1 AI Mod at a time may slow game.There will be 4 different AI's in this tournament and
3 of them should be loaded solo, while
RNGAI needs Uveso to also be loaded, due to
dependencies in code that utilize Uveso.Here are the 4 tournament AI combinations that will be used:
M27AI (load solo)
AI:DilliDalli (load solo)
AI-Uveso (load solo)
RNGAI (load with Uveso)
For those that are practicing with RNGAI..
do not use Uveso units in same game with RNGAI units as
the 2 AI's do not behave properly when used together. -
Todays daily tip and reminder:
Here is the current Map Pool:
See Post #8: above, or
Here: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/5400/rainbow-cup-vi-3v3-1-500/8Game/Map scenario details will be released 1 hour be the start of each days matches.
Tip: Show up 1 hour early - before the tournament starts each day to
look over the - AI Mod types, factions and team start positions to strategize.Bonus Intel tip: Although Finals maps will be also be kept secret..
until 1 hour before Finals start time..
Dark Liver Mirrored (Finals game map #1 in last 3 RC's),
will NOT be used this year.
Although it is a beautiful "looking" map..
It has not played very well in the previous RC's.
(didn't want any teams spending time prepping on this map,
believing it would be Game #1 - 4 tournies in row) -
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
The RCVI Team formation and draft is now over.
Congratulations to all who were drafted!
Those who were not selected in the initial draft, are
now placed in the Standby Pool.
These players are able to stand-in and substitute for ANY players,
who are not able to make one of the tournaments 3 days of play,
no matter their ratings.
The Restricted standby pool players are "only" able to substitute for
players with higher ratings.