Faf not launching after update to latest version 2023.1.1

Help!! After the update 2023.1.1 I can’t create a game, I press the button and nothing happens, I press the mods button and it comes out "failed to load view fxml for theme/modmanager.fxml"

You can copy your old Game.prefs file to the new location and keep all your changes. (same for mods, maps)

However, 'Nvidia fix mod was' integrated into FAF long time ago, no need for that mod anymore.

Где теперь скачать клиент, на сайте нет????

А что за херня с кириллицей???

Еverything was fine before the update. Besides, why should I, as a user, adjust my device to your program.

Release 2023.1.2 was just created so this just becomes a warning for now as we investigate more

Hello, I have the same problem as people already wrote. Faf does not start after updating to the latest version 2023.1.1 How to access the Faf folder c:\Program Files\FAF Client. It does not include Cyrillic characters.

FAF is broken, what should I do? Before this update 2023_1_1 everything worked fine, after this update 2023_1_1 it doesn't work!