Astromania 1vs1 tourney
Barni 800
@t_r_u_xela_slave Dmitry11 1500
Venom51rus 1100
Dmitry11, Venom51rus - будете записаны в резервных игроков. турнир на 8 человек пока что
Is it too late to sign up? snowy801 1500
Nice to see all the closet Astro whores reveal themselves hehe. I too am an Astro whore and would like to enter this tournament. I am currently a level 800 after a week or so of hard losses lol. If all spots are full please put me as a reserve and I can be ready at a moment's notice on the tournament date.
svou12 1000
Sign me up TTDeli, 1500
@snowy801 only as reserved. since only 8 players allowed
no new sing ups guys
CandyNoob 1600
@iii_bandera_iii new nikname
PerfectAim (1600)
It's funny when you collect money on a stream for a tournament, and you collect more than $80+, and the prize fund is $25 1/4)
Suki 1300
Krypton83 900
This post is deleted! -
Did the smurf get the money?
So is he really smurf?
По результатам админской проверки было подтверждено, что Barni смурф (я не сомневался) и я отнимаю у него призовое очко
️ . Честным победителем турнира становится игрок под ником Salnik, второе место за смурфиком.