Thanks for the correction. I thought Proton was Steam/Value's API that could work with WINE, not that it was an extension of it.
Do I need to install wine ? Typing # wine or # wine --help certainly confirms that WINE is not installed.
RE: Game Crash on "Create Game" Linux
RE: Game Crash on "Create Game" Linux
Thank you; I have tried 'blank' and "%s" neither worked.
Just retried, to be sure, and no neither worked.
"Exit code 2" -
RE: Game Crash on "Create Game" Linux
Thank you, however I'm not using WINE. Steam only (with Proton).
RE: Game Crash on "Create Game" Linux
Thanks Katharsas.
I've changed that field to blank was "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command% /windowed 1920 1080"
but still failing to launch FA.See the log here;
2021-11-13 16:38:48.491 INFO 51127 --- [lication Thread] com.faforever.client.update.Version : fromVersion '1.4.6' is not newer than toVersion '2021.11-alpha-4'. No update is required.
2021-11-13 16:38:48.519 INFO 51127 --- [lication Thread] com.faforever.client.user.UserService : Logging in with refresh token
2021-11-13 16:38:48.916 INFO 51127 --- [tor-tcp-epoll-2] com.faforever.commons.lobby.FafLobbyApi : Connected to lobby.faforever.com on port 8002
2021-11-13 16:38:50.870 INFO 51127 --- [lication Thread] com.faforever.client.update.Version : fromVersion '2021.10' is not newer than toVersion '2021.11-alpha-4'. No update is required.
2021-11-13 16:39:05.335 INFO 51127 --- [pool-3-thread-3] c.f.c.patch.GameBinariesUpdateTaskImpl : Updating binaries to 3724
2021-11-13 16:39:05.415 INFO 51127 --- [ Thread-41] c.f.client.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterImpl : Starting ICE adapter with command: [/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-oracle/bin/java, -jar, %USER_PROFILE%/Games/faf-client-2021.11.0-alpha4/natives/faf-ice-adapter.jar, --id, 260187, --login, Zarrex, --rpc-port, 59093, --gpgnet-port, 8879]
2021-11-13 16:39:05.731 INFO 51127 --- [ Thread-41] c.f.client.fa.ForgedAllianceService : Starting Forged Alliance with command: [%USER_PROFILE%/.faforever/bin/ForgedAlliance.exe, /init, init.lua, /nobugreport, /log, %USER_PROFILE%/.faforever/logs/game_15710019.log, /gpgnet,, /mean, 1500.0, /deviation, 500.0, /savereplay, gpgnet://, /country, GB, /numgames, 0, /numgames, 0] in directory: %USER_PROFILE%/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance/bin
/home/andyh/.faforever/bin/ForgedAlliance.exe: 1: MZ����@0��: not found
/home/andyh/.faforever/bin/ForgedAlliance.exe: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
2021-11-13 16:39:05.733 INFO 51127 --- [onPool-worker-6] com.faforever.client.game.GameService : Forged Alliance terminated with exit code 2
2021-11-13 16:39:05.753 WARN 51127 --- [tor-tcp-epoll-2] c.f.client.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterImpl : Ignoring call to ICE adapter as we are not connected: setIceServers([[{credentialType=token, urls=[turn:coturn-eu-1.supcomhub.org?transport=tcp, turn:coturn-eu-1.supcomhub.org?transport=udp, stun:coturn-eu-1.supcomhub.org], credential=cjzETqLAtXQs2l/KeckOmCGSnp4=, username=1636907945:260187}, {credentialType=token, urls=[turn:faforever.com?transport=tcp, turn:faforever.com?transport=udp, stun:faforever.com], credential=cjzETqLAtXQs2l/KeckOmCGSnp4=, username=1636907945:260187}, {credentialType=token, urls=[turn:faf.mabula.net?transport=tcp, turn:faf.mabula.net?transport=udp, stun:faf.mabula.net], credential=XK0B5Sykd4Q9/7GHfRr5Jtmeamw=, username=1636907945:260187}]])In FAF-Clinet, Settings, Forged Alliance Forever I have;
Game Location: /home/{UserID}/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
Command line Format for Exe: %s / Blank
Exe Directory: /home/{UserID}/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance/bin
Automatic Map download: Enabled -
RE: Game Crash on "Create Game" Linux
Hi All, I'm getting the errors below with my new/clean install.
Ubuntu 20.04: Steam: Proton: SupCom + FA: FA is tested and working like a dream.
FAF Java Client
Java-15-oracle is now Java-17-oracle; 15 has been removed as it is end of life.
I had to edit faf-client and replace 15 with 17 in two places; FAF-client is working and I'm logged in.Click on a map and create game, create; I get the following errors;
java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion = ' '
at java.base/java.util.Formatter.parse(Formatter.java:2750)
at java.base/java.util.Formatter.format(Formatter.java:2671)
at java.base/java.util.Formatter.format(Formatter.java:2625)
at java.base/java.lang.String.format(String.java:4140)
at com.faforever.client.fa.LaunchCommandBuilder.build(LaunchCommandBuilder.java:192)
at com.faforever.client.fa.ForgedAllianceService.startGameOnline(ForgedAllianceService.java:79)
at com.faforever.client.game.GameService.lambda$startGame$37(GameService.java:604)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniApply.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:646)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:510)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.complete(CompletableFuture.java:2147)
at com.faforever.client.fa.relay.ice.IceAdapterImpl.lambda$start$7(IceAdapterImpl.java:221)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)I suspect this is Java-17-oracle related but any help would be appreciated.