I love you guys so much
RE: Are people interested in guides / FAQ about general stuff?
I like this idea. I've been watching some bronze to grandmasters series in starcraft and I wonder if a similar teaching technique could be applied. not a whole rating grind on a smurf account obviously, but maybe like a point of view style video series where you cover fundamentals and what to prioritize. so first video might cover unit counters like t1 arty vs t1 pd, etc. I know you just said air video but this is a random idea that will probably get a ton of views if someone does it
RE: New way of using the League System
I also really like the avatars. There is room for more cosmetics especially for lower rated like me that have almost none ;-;
RE: 1v1 map pool - feedback
I'm 800 1v1. I want mapgen O:< I'll 1v1 everyone