I am playing with my 7 year old son and we lose a lot of coop games against AI. He is the type to enable cheats and spawn a Fatboy at the earliest sign of trouble.
We'd like to create a game where we have a lot of resources to start with and do basically a comp-stomp. Is map/campaign editing hard for SC/FA ? I see there are multiple map editors out there. Any one recommended for noobs?
Is it easy to create coop maps/games?
RE: LAN Co-op
@IDontKnow Thanks mate. I'll keep my eyes open for a sale.
Son needs to learn resource management which I think is simpler and more "obvious" in StarCraft, which is free to play.I'll install FAF for myself in the meantime!
RE: LAN Co-op
@Katharsas I am OK with spending additional money on a great game like SupCom:FA but, yeah, I'll wait till it goes on sale
Thanks for the confirmation. -
LAN Co-op
Hello fellow FA players...
I created this account just to ask this question - I have steam keys for base and FA. I want to play LAN co-op with my son. Does that mean I need another steam account that also has another set of keys just to play?
I've had no luck using Steam offline mode it just tries to open the game in streaming mode from another PC with it running.
I do not have FAF but am willing to try it if that allows playing a Coop LAN game without the hassle of another steam account.
Sorry if this is not really a FAF question.Regards and Thanks.