@maudlin27 That's a good idea, thank you.
RE: M28AI Devlog (v205)
Hey Maudlin27, quick question is there a way for me to get the M28 AI to not build a specific Custom Unit? Other than setting a unit restriction in the game options or adding nobuild to the unit's categories. My goal is to allow the Custom Unit to still be available to build by human players, just not buildable by the AI since it can't use it properly.
Also, thanks for all your tireless work on your M28 AI, its appreciated.
RE: Offline Line Campaign/Skirmish
@Jip said in Offline Line Campaign/Skirmish:
You need to host at least one (coop) game through the client. That will retrieve the file in question. Then you can play offline again.
The game files are not included with the launcher by default.
Thanks for the help Jip, I appreciate it.
Offline Line Campaign/Skirmish
I have tried following FAQ guide for playing FAF offline, here: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/4702/how-to-play-the-supreme-commander-campaign-offline-and-coop-maps
But the command line switch "/init init_coop.lua" doesn't seem to work anymore with the latest versions of FAF, it looks like the "init_coop.lua" file no longer exists in the BIN directory. Does anyone know how to play FAF offline line now or what the updated command is?