I had a 7 year old computer with FAF installed and had a Steel Series set of headphones. When I had Sonar On while playing a game the game would crash after about 10 minutes of play. I recently bought a new computer (Atom Man X7 Ti with docking stations and my old 1080 Ti). Now when I play on FAF I need to know if I should keep Sonar off while playing. Does anyone have any issues with Sonar on??
Does Steel series Sonar interfere with Forged Alliance Forever in game
RE: Conflict with One Drive on new install from Steam
Thanks! But as an aside, I found it all by myself and all is fine. I watched several replays and started a game against AI just to make sure!
Conflict with One Drive on new install from Steam
I bought a new computer and installed Forged Alliance from Steam. When I tried to start FAF I get the following error message "Maps and Mods path detected to be in One Drive. One Drive can cause issues during the game as it has a lock on the files during synchronization. It is advised that you change your Maps and Mods path in client settings."
So I went into settings and could only find the location for saved games. Now, I every time I start a game or replay the game fails.
how can I change the path for Maps and Mods in FAF???
RE: Can't Delete text in Chat (not in-game chat)
it is the lobby chat I'm talking about. And it's not just my problem. Many of my friends commented to me about having the same problem.
Can't Delete text in Chat (not in-game chat)
When in Lobby Chat, when I chat with a friend, I can't erase the chat from session to session. All prior chat texts are always there. So after a month, I have to scroll to bottom to get latest chat messages. HOW DO I ERASE CHAT MESSAGES?? However, I do notice that the moderator chat does erase itself from session to session, just not the friend chat.
RE: adjusting arctis Nova Pro Headset for FAF
Especially since it's been installed on my computer for years.
adjusting arctis Nova Pro Headset for FAF
I have a problem with my Arctic Nova Pro headsets while in a game on FAF. I have all setting on normal with NO surround sound turned on. During a game I hardly here anything. This has been going on for over a year now. When I first got these headsets, everything was fine, but one day the sound volume got reduced and I can find no reason for it. The sound works fine for all other cases, including listening to replays. It also works fine in all other games. Can anyone help?
RE: Latest update screwed up my FAF
well buying the game on GOG and installing it and then FAF worked!!! And you are wrong about installing from Steam...I had DELETED all SupCom file (not uninstalled) and so Steam could not find any files to update. And, since it looked like I owned it on Steam, it would not let me buy another copy.
RE: Latest update screwed up my FAF
My next question is: can I buy Supreme Commander on GOG and install it to my Steam directory.
RE: Latest update screwed up my FAF
FYI you should warn players NOT TO DELETE files for a Steam game but instead should uninstall and reinstall them on Steam.
RE: Latest update screwed up my FAF
Following your uninstall link above REALLY screwed up my game!! The procedure deleted all of the Forged Alliance game files!! When I go into Steam the game shows up but I can't play it because ALL of the files are gone. And I can't even uninstall it on Steam because the file count is zero! And I can't buy another copy because Steam thinks I already own it. Can ANYONE help me to delete the "game" from Steam so I can at least buy another copy. I have not found a single clue on the internet to help me.
RE: Latest update screwed up my FAF
It is quit simple:
- I go to the FAF website
- I select Login in the upper right corner
3 On the Login page, I enter my username and Password, which brings up the Authorizations page - I select Authorize. And this brings me RIGHT BACK TO THE LOGIN PAGE!!
I have even changed my password to no effect
RE: Latest update screwed up my FAF
I found the location where the update files are located but I don't know what file is the install file. If you can tell me that I might be able to install FAF from those stored files.The date on the file is yesterday, June 21, 2024.
RE: Latest update screwed up my FAF
I reset my password on Steam and every time I try to download the client it goes back to the screen asking me to register again!!! I have no clue what to do now.
RE: Latest update screwed up my FAF
One of my problems is that FAF has an old email address that I can no longer use so I can't register using it. When it send me to Steam, it goes into the loop I mention above.
Latest update screwed up my FAF
As the latest update was attempting to update, it erased my old game and then crashed. So, now I cant download the latest version of FAF!!! I went to Steam and ran the Verify Integrity of Files process successfully, so my game is ok. But when I try to run the game from FAF it just keeps going in a loop to because I don't have FAF files on my computer anymore. How do I recover from this?? Please help. I've been playing since 2013 and need my daily FAF fix.
RE: Issues using cheats to practice
That actually solved my problem!!!!! Thanks much...who would have guessed that NVIDIA would do such a dastardly thing to us poor unsuspecting FAF players. I can finally do something I have been trying to do for years!