I am very concerned about the balance changes that have been made the past 2 years.
Nowadays, experimentals are completely useless and are a necessary means only to defend against another experimental. Indeed, now the game meta goes by ''who throws/ doesn't throw experimental mass away''. Nothing more. Nothing less. They have become completeley useless and linear in comparison to what they used to be.
This is one major reason why games are insanely turtly and boring as hell, in the sight that there is absolutely no dynamism to neither team games nor 1v1 games.
The recent (years) balance changes made to the game, completely destroyed Supreme Commander.
The worst balance changes made were the ones that nerfed build power, nerfed t3 units (at expense of cost), nerfed t4 units, nerfed air unit speed.
Nowadays I need to have 4 t3 engineers assigned to each my t3 air facilites in order to have a decent usage of mass into ASF production. The time taken to build those engineers (as well in every other technologies, corresponding to any other building) allows for the enemy 3 times as much time to scout my infrastructures and strategies, not only but as well to eco much more easily given that pressure cannot be applied at a normal rate. In sight of such poor and insanely boring build power rate.
I will go as far as to say that many pro players are leaving /have left because the game has become a stale muddy swamp with no possibilty for interesting strategies. There is only one strategy and it is to eco up and to spam as much random units as possible and then finish with arty war.
The game feels insanely slow. This is a serious concern for the future of FAF. I hope that game balance team will take this seriously.
I did not bother to write every thought in detail, because I wanted to get straight to the point. I will be writing a more structured post at a later date.