Thanks for the overview Jip, some very cool changes coming up, maps looking better than ever and very excited to see the mobile factories in action-- one very small gripe though, although this is less "development" related and more "balance" related-- won't reducing the BP of aircraft carriers make them not worth building? According to the current unit DB, carriers are roughly 3x the price of a T3 air fac... I think it will de-incentivize building carriers as mobile factories if it gives the same BP for 3x the price, mobile or not, having 1.5x BP seems like a fairer middle ground since that means you're still paying more for the BP but it's not quite so steep.
RE: Developers Iteration III of 2023
Adding Automatic Pings like in Planetary Annhilation
So whoever's played Planetary Annihilation is familiar with the auto-ping system, every time a group of units are attacked, or a sometimes if a certain building has finished being constructed IIRC, a ping is sent to the player with a camera position.
Would it possible to implement something like this into FAF? And perhaps for its "sensitivity" to be adjustable? Since different players may want more or less pings.
RE: The Problems With The UEF - Part 8 (The Fatboy)
100% agree that the Fattie needs a buff, I'd say just up the HP by 5k or so, maybe up the speed just barely a touch, and it'd be good, but these are definitely interesting suggestions.
RE: are there 40+ years old FAF players ?
@derpfaf said in are there 40+ years old FAF players ?:
Its one of the few RTS where speed clicking isn't so important.