@uveso Thanks for your swift reply. BlackOps Unleashed is a great unit pack so I'll try to work around not using saves.
RE: BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed only for FAF v25
RE: BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed only for FAF v25
@Uveso I was using a few mods including BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed-v23 in an offline skirmish game and found that I could not save a game - FAF crashes. I don't see anything in the logs though. I turned off all mods and verified that your latest mod BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed-v23 is the one causing the crash (being the only mod loaded). Are there any quick fixes available? Or perhaps you could point me to an earlier version of BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed to try out until the fix is done. Many thanks!