As long as it is a screenshot at this time, it should be a winner.

RE: Screenshot of the week
RE: FAF Spin-off title & Plans to take Supcom to the next level
Not sure why the edit of my last post made a double post but still.
After reading some prior posts and a few I must of missed seemed reasonable to still post in.
Anyone have thoughts on say New Supcom being done and having FAF packaged with it as like an extra/bonus content??
I know there is alot of back and forth and 50/50 in such, given rather a new Supcom could be with/in FAF but given SC2, that should have a reasonable answer.
Or is that anything new would have to be different even to the point of abandoning the progress of SC2 for an undertaking to happen??
I'm sure this conversation comes up often and would be nice if the same conversations would still just end up to have the one of it for them all.
VR is whatever, to a point should be something not restricted in not being able to have but any further more is whatever. A PC at a time is a PC.
I mean, in some contrast of course, why not Mirror or Tonal FAF for some modern approach of interactivity standard??
Or watching replays of FAF on a mobile device??Sometimes I agree, when things are brought up, costs and contrasts are really considered but presenting ideas should still be able to have without the difference of course, but outcomes probably still worth what has been considered to say.
RE: New forum woo
To say of said still needed saying. ( 8 Character Limit to Post)
RE: Graphic Artist Wanted
Its a habit, especially with forums. Still think there is a more formal basis on regards to forum posts other than fancy messengers or texts.
@Khada_Jhin Understood
RE: Opening Up Transport Accessibility
Seems to be easier on other alternatives.
RE: Graphic Artist Wanted
@Khada_Jhin The reward part of the system in which we are trying to contribute works for, think is fairly limited, if not quite existent, for the purpose but an outcome at a time could still be taken all the same on recognition of course.
But if not mistaken, the avatar/icons are more for positions than ranking.
Hence Unit/Building Icons/Avatars seems reasonable.Thanks
RE: Software is aging - and what it means for FAF
Is the programming/coding more for running with software systems or hardware systems, say for it to work?
A simulator or emulator more of??
More Layer on a Layer or a Layer on Base??
If any of that makes any sense.
RE: Graphic Artist Wanted
I'm a fair Tier vs Tech person. Tier going lower for higher and higher for lower does make sense.
But if you check, not sure still is. But T for T1, T2, etc is listed as Tech 1 etc in game, I noticed that after getting FA installed awhile back but not sure if was updated or not. But Supcom did start out with Tier and I'm certain FA did as well, just not sure if either stayed that way.
But in terms of Tiers for the work, is really Subdivisions within a tier also, which again on rankings at a time, lower being higher and higher being lower makes sense.The idea for here is a change for me though also, despite that difference, and I have to relist my listing for division layouts also but only about 15% done of the initial concept and rather I try to keep the icon above to further work on, I don't know, I have no other works in progress either also, so.
RE: Concept art
Is it me or greyscale that seems to put concept art into a better looking outlook than the finished works??
RE: Graphic Artist Wanted
Quick made icon, but units still seem reasonable, but again, does seem like would take some reasonable time.
RE: Software is aging - and what it means for FAF
This might not be a suitable question to some terms, but is say FAF more hard-line encoded for the programming or more virtual??
RE: Graphic Artist Wanted
I know its not an option is alot of image producing and editing programs and apps, but fairly certain photoshop has it, maybe not be called invert but i seem to recall it that way.
Basically the prior concepts needs to be flipped and and set backwards, invert could do something similar in just say one command.
Might need some work still, but could work though also. I might try to run PS again and check and see but not sure.
I tried to find an old assets disc and couldnt find it, I had tons of psds on it. Almost several gbs worth. One thing i did was basically nothing but of say the invert flip command essentially.Thanks
RE: What do you think? Sexy right?
I've made signatures, tried to find a disc I had with a bunch on it. Loads of psd files. But couldn't find it yesterday.
Made an entire unit signature just with smudging once. Turned out ok.The font did look familiar but I was thinking something else.
RE: Engineers can act like Hives to assist 2 Quantum Gateways
I'm not certain, I'll have to mess around with both.
I just know using patrol with engines is nice in a base for various reasons at once.
RE: A Topic of Dumb Ideas!
Sounds reasonable but maybe the outcome can still be achieved in another way, if not needed of another way than fine. But having to where it can say just fire at all "land" based units, naval within range and air that has landed, "land" unit, not sure the wagner itself would have to change much, but a point behind it might be that it cant though also.
RE: Graphic Artist Wanted
Invert outside colors, like flipping it backwards, but inside out if not mistaken.
RE: Reclaim balance suggestion
@Keene Hostile versus Non-Hostile would be nice, but, in terms of faction vs same faction seems questionable.
I understand the concept but not sure in a general sense how reasonable that is for alot of gameplay in FAF.
The rest seems 50/50 back and forth, which for the current situation is without for say same outcome.
RE: Engineers can act like Hives to assist 2 Quantum Gateways
Would patrol do the same function between the gateways?