Attach the client.log as a file, please
%USERPROFILE%/AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs
Attach the client.log as a file, please
%USERPROFILE%/AppData\Roaming\Forged Alliance Forever\logs
Thanks for the bug info. It was also reported in Discord - reference:
Try to start the game at least once via online lobby in FAF (u can set a password, so noone joins), then try offline again.
And at which step occurs the error exactly, when you host a game?
Based on your description, can you make sure it is not related to the 'id3dxeffectcompiler' issue like here:
Otherwise, make sure to enable debugger in the FAF client, reproduce the issue and share the game.log, please.
Can you provide the 'Game Location' path as well:
What is the path for your game location in FAF?
In which path have u installed SC?
Yes, it works on W11. Can you share the error messages, please?
Try to start those games via that way:
If you click 'Create', then this should pop up, where you can change your settings to your liking and then start the game. Those game should pop up under 'Local Replays'.
How are you hosting/playing those games? Via the 'Play'-tab in FAF by hosting custom games, or do you host it via Steam/GOG?
Can you share the replay IDs, please?
Make sure that the paths in the file match your updated map name. Any typo, by any chance?
AFAIK, it is not necessary to write "v2" or any version in the map name, as you can increase the map version in the file itself using "map_version". (Look at the other maps for examples) I would not be surprised, that increasing the version by adding the v2 in the name is even the root issue.
I am not a mapper, so if am I wrong about it, please correct me.
I believe if you remove the map manually, and then redownload it, then it should work.
If the bug applies to several maps, then you could:
Check your security software if it blocks anything - perhaps the new client update triggered some false flags and those files/connections need to be whitelisted again.
Otherwise, check the suggestions from here:
Have the same, or at least very similar, case via Discord tech-help. I have found no solution so far, and have not seen such error before.
Edit: Have added 'ID3DXEffectCompiler: Compilation failed' to your title to make it more searchable.
Can you start SC from Steam/GOG, without FAF at all?
If you share a game.log, it may contain information to narrow down the issue. You might want to try enabling the mods one by one to identify which mod or combination of mods is causing the issue.