>>>Life in the Fast Lane>>>
Revision 1
A dynamic map with multiple major attack vectors into the enemy bases as well as a prominent central feature.
—Red Figures are the Starting Locations
—Light Green Circles are Mass Extractor Locations
—Dark Green Blobs are Tree Clumps
—Yellow Squares are Locations for Hydro-Carbon Plants
—Black Blobs are Reclaim
—Black Squares are Civilian Structures
—Brown Ridges go below ground and are impassable
—Grey Ridges go above the ground and are impassable
—Blues Blobs are Water
The "Central Gorge" of the Map is home to two abandoned Colonies; one of the UEF and one of the Cybran Nation. These Outposts have waged countless battles and the wrecks still litter the bottom of the gorge. The surrounding Hills and Lakes are peaceful and serene (and feature two Aeon Listening Outposts to silently monitor the situation below).
How Matches are intended to play out
The Map features two "Fast Lanes" and the "Central Gorge". The fast lanes go straight into the enemy bases and are difficult to defend. The path through the Central Gorge is initially hindered by the Civ Bases, but yields additional reclaim once they are opened up.
All Players start with 3 Mex Locations close to their ACU, as well as a Short-Walk Hydro. The shortage of Mexes (3 instead of the traditional 4) pushes the ACU out of the Base. The Hydros are situated so that they pull the Back ACU into the "Fast Lane" and the Front ACU into the "Central Gorge". Additional Reclaim and a String of Mexes also pushes the ACUs further into the intended directions. However, by doing so they leave their bases open to attack from behind.
Both sides have several Mexes behind their starting locations that are slow to get, hard to defend and easy to raid.
There are two side-islands with cliffs and two Mexes that need to be air-dropped. By forcing the Players to build a transport they will (hopefully) also use them for drops.
The Civilian Bases should have a t1 pd and one (or two) t1 aa. Maybe even a t2 shield.
edit1: spelling
edit2: Revision 1